[Community-service] Seeking ideas for thecommunityservicegroupseminar at national convention
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Sun Feb 23 01:21:35 UTC 2014
This has nothing to do with Community Service. It is a matter for
your state affiliate, it seems to me.
>Good evening everyone,
> What do you do if you live in a community where there is no
> local chapter or if there is one it's in such disarray that its
> existence is in limbo. ?We have such a situation in San Antonio.
> They have driven many members away including us. We've told them
> that we won't return unless there is a change in leadership. The
> elections were supposed to occur this month. God only knows if they
> took place that's how far down this chapter has gone. We've
> approached other blindness-related organizations in San Antonio
> concerning these issues but have not received favorable responses.
> It seems like this is something the community service division
> should coordinate and discuss to arrive at a workable solution.
>Peter Donahue
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Darian Smith" <dsmithnfb at gmail.com>
>To: "Community Service Discussion List" <community-service at nfbnet.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 3:46 PM
>Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for
>thecommunityservicegroupseminar at national convention
>This might be something chapter presidents might find interesting to
>talk about and see about doing. if there are chapter presidents on
>this list, maybe they might consider starting a dialog on the
>chapter presidents list on the matter
>On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:49 AM, Debbie <mouseless at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>I can't offer much hope for the transportation aspect, but several
>>folks I know have pooled their funds, and gotten equipment which
>>was donated to the local library, so more folks could utilize having mail read.
>>Debbie Human
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Donahue" <pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com>
>>To: "Community Service Discussion List" <community-service at nfbnet.org>
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 10:48 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for the
>>communityservicegroupseminar at national convention
>>Good morning everyone,
>> Not only should we seek to participate in other community events
>> but how about conducting some community service activities within
>> the NFB. Blind people all across this nation have a need for
>> readers and drivers. Here is an idea where the NFB and other
>> community organizations could work together to meet this need.
>> Mary and I have had a devil of a time trying to have our snail
>> mail read on a regular basis and finding transportation to reach
>> destinations not in our local transit system's service area. Even
>> when we have offered to pay someone to read our mail or to drive
>> us somewhere our offers have been refused. On other occasions we
>> have been offered assistance but when we try contacting the
>> individual who said they would read our snail mail our calls go
>> unreturned. I'm sure there are countless stories of other blind
>> individuals who have had a similar experience.
>> Some of our chapters have talked about creating reader/driver
>> pools in their communities but have yet to pull it off. Our
>> Community Service Division could play a major role in making this
>> a reality by working with the NFB Jernigan Institute, our local
>> chapters and state affiliates. We should be able to partner with
>> various volunteer organizations and individuals willing to provide
>> these services to blind persons needing them. I hope this is
>> discussed and acted upon so blind persons will have an easier time
>> finding readers and drivers in the future.
>>Peter Donahue
>>----- Original Message ----- From: Darian
>>To: Community Service Discussion List
>>Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 10:38 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for the
>>communityservicegroup seminar at national convention
>>Why specifically blind people that have had success in AmeriCorps
>>programs in Florida?
>>This electronic message has been brought to you by my mobile device.
>>On Feb 17, 2014, at 6:57 PM, "Denyece Roberts, MSW, RCSW"
>><peace05 at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hello, I did two years in the Americorp. Americorp main office
>> for Florida is located in Orlando. It would be nice to have
>> someone from their office come and speak about some success
>> services of blind people who have attended the program in florida.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: Darian Smith
>> To: Community Service Discussion List
>> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 5:24 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for the
>> community servicegroup seminar at national convention
>> Hi all,
>> The overall focus will be on celebrating 20 years of
>> AmeriCorps, and the service work that the blind have themselves
>> contributed to the success of the program and the impact the
>> program has had on those who have served.
>> We are inviting those who have served in AmeriCorps
>> programs to share a bit about their experiences, what they've
>> given, gained and the perceptions they believe they changed of the blind.
>> This will not constitute the entirety of the seminar, but it
>> will have a place of prominence on the agenda.
>> we are looking into inviting service agencies to spend a few
>> minutes talking about their programs and how attendees may
>> involve themselves in service via what they have to offer.
>> I believe we are targeting the following agencies: the red
>> cross, big brothers big sisters, habitat for humanity and hands
>> on network. we'll probably ask them to introduce themselves to the
>> attendees and ask them to table in the back of the room should
>> individuals have further questions regarding involvement in their
>> local communities Hopefully we will use this opportunity to
>> develop relationships with these agencies that we can cultivate
>> over the coming years.
>> Hopefully we can delve deeper into possible partnerships
>> with these agencies in the future. We could even look into the
>> possibilities this year, but that depends on the interest a
>> committed soul or two has in seeing that it
>> happens. Unfortunately, this can be a bit of an undertaking and
>> such folks are proving to be in short supply at the moment.
>> We have had some great help in finding the agencies and
>> AmeriCorps alumni federationests, and this has proven to be
>> invaluable effort and results-based action that those who
>> have stepped up should be proud of.
>> I'm thinking we are still a few presenters away from this
>> being the best seminar yet.
>> We also might be electing a slate of officers and board
>> members. If this is true we will have to make some time for this
>> and upon completion of the meeting we will have become a division
>> of the national federation of the blind.
>> we will see how those details work out because we are still
>> a ways from convention.
>> I hope this helps people help us find some great additions
>> to the agenda
>> Best,
>> Darian
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 1:14 PM, Cheryl Fields
>> <cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ashly,
>> Yes, I think the hands on training may work better for next year. When
>> the red Cross is contacted the conversation, audio description for
>> videos, could begin at that time. It may take some time to have them
>> see the advantage in added it to their materials. I should have added
>> that this is a long range goal.
>> I want to hear about your experience, it may be valuable to hear
>> before the contact is made. smiles
>> Cheryl
>> On 2/17/14, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Cheryl,
>> It's a good idea. I agree with you it needs registeration
>> and limit the
>> size of the workshops so they can give you all hands on
>> instruction more
>> easily.
>> However, not everyone is open to the commitment to do
>> first aid or cpr
>> training.
>> Think of how busy convention gets.
>> Time may be unavailable on either the hotel side or the convention
>> participants side to do it.
>> It may be easier to plan a shorter hands on service activity.
>> If you do contact them, I hope red cross is open to adaptations.
>> Unfortunatly, I had a bad experience attempting to
>> volunteer in their local
>> office though and volunteering did not work out. I'll
>> write about later
>> perhaps.
>> If I were planning something to do at convention, I'd
>> probably pick the
>> hygene or food kits idea instead.
>> I'm just thinking about the convention group and all the
>> things going on
>> there and the wide interest areas among conventioneers.
>> Ashley
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cheryl Fields
>> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 3:35 PM
>> To: Community Service Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for the community
>> servicegroupseminar at national convention
>> Hi Everyone!
>> Great ideas! The cpr and first aid classes are a wonderful idea and
>> may require some registration.
>> Think about working with the Red cross to provide audio description
>> for all of the classes they use vvideos for. I'm not sure how
>> difficult it would be, most movies are audio described and
>> most places
>> update materials on a regular basis so, it's worth asking.
>> This would
>> benefit us across the country!
>> Cheryl F.
>> On 2/17/14, Darian <dsmithnfb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Serena,
>> It sounds really cool!
>> Tell me all about it! What's the name of the
>> organization? How did you get
>> involved? Why did you get involved?
>> Darian
>> This electronic message has been brought to you by my
>> mobile device.
>> On Feb 16, 2014, at 8:18 AM, Serena Nickell
>> <scnickell1980 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, I recently began volunteering with an organization
>> that helps the
>> homeless. In addition to the above items we also give out small
>> flashlights and batteries (usually AA and AAA).
>> Serena
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 16, 2014, at 10:09 AM, "Michelle Clark"
>> <mcikeyc at aol.com> wrote:
>> Hi Michelle,
>> Here is a list of the items we generally add. Also,
>> at the bottom, I
>> added a
>> draft of a letter I sent out to just people on my
>> email list and the
>> Chapter. Hope it helps anyone who is interested in
>> doing something like
>> this.
>> One other thing we do when we get large bottles of
>> lotion, shampoo, ect
>> is
>> we hold them out and make up a gift type bag to give
>> out as a special
>> gift.
>> My Church has a Christmas Party for a few local
>> Women's Shelters and we
>> give
>> to them as well. This year, they had so much stuff
>> left over they gave
>> the
>> rest to our Chapter!
>> Items we include:
>> 1. Wash cloths
>> 2. Soap
>> 3. Toothpaste
>> 4. Toothbrushes
>> 5. Lotion or petroleum jelly
>> 6. Shampoo
>> 7. Conditioner
>> 8. Mouthwash/non-alcoholic
>> In the past we have gotten a mixture of things such as:
>> Toilet paper
>> Mens deodorant
>> Women's deodorant
>> Sanitary items
>> Combs
>> Draft Letter:
>> Hello,
>> The National Harbor Chapter of the National
>> Federation of the Blind of
>> Maryland is a non-profit group of blind persons
>> striving to help others
>> in
>> the Prince Georges County area who happen to be
>> blind and low vision.
>> We
>> help one another through advocacy, outreach,
>> networking, and sharing.
>> Also,
>> in the vision of our National Headquarters, we not
>> only help ourselves,
>> we
>> help others.
>> This, in our fourth year, we will continue in our
>> outreach to others
>> with
>> a
>> toiletries drive to donate Hygiene Kits to homeless
>> persons. As we did
>> last
>> year through an array of generous donations, we were
>> able to give out
>> approximately 120 bags of toiletries to assist
>> persons who are in a
>> state
>> of homelessness. In addition, we were able to donate
>> additional kits to
>> a
>> local church that regularly visits a shelter for
>> women and children.
>> Since homelessness is on the rise and help is
>> needed, our continual goal
>> is
>> to combine hygiene kits and distribute them to as
>> many as we can. We are
>> partnering with a local non-profit agency that runs
>> shelters and feed
>> homeless persons in Prince Georges County. They
>> distribute these items
>> when
>> a person enters the shelters. We are asking your
>> assistance with
>> donations
>> of toiletry items that will help us in this effort
>> and please forward
>> this
>> message to anyone you feel will assist.
>> In specific we are asking for any combination of:
>> 1. Soap
>> 2. Shampoo
>> 3. Lotion
>> 4. Conditioner
>> 5. Toothbrushes
>> 6. Toothpaste
>> 7. Washcloths
>> 8. Mouthwash/non-alcoholic
>> 9. Socks
>> 10. Grooming items
>> 11. Sanitary items
>> 12. Any additional small item you feel a person
>> living in the state
>> of
>> homelessness can use
>> If you and/or your organization are able to assist
>> us in this effort,
>> please
>> let me know by contacting me directly by either
>> email at mcikeyc at aol.com
>> or
>> via telephone at 301 583-8585 evenings or 202
>> 720-1560 days by November
>> 14th. We will be compiling these items on the
>> Saturday before
>> Thanksgiving. Your contribution will be tax
>> deductable and help in the
>> lives
>> of those who are in situations other than which we live.
>> To find out more about what we do, please visit our
>> National website at:
>> www.nfb.org or our State website at www.nfbmd.org.
>> You may also "like"
>> us
>> as
>> the National Harbor Chapter on our new Face Book page.
>> Sincerely Yours,
>> Michelle Clark
>> President
>> National Harbor Chapter
>> National Federation of the Blind of Maryland
>> "Changing what it means to be blind in Prince Georges County!"
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Community-service
>> [mailto:community-service-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf of Catherine Michele Mitchell
>> Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 9:35 AM
>> To: Community Service Discussion List
>> Cc: Community Service Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for
>> the community
>> servicegroupseminar at national convention
>> I also really like the idea of putting some kind of
>> kits together as a
>> project at the convention.
>> I would also like to ask those of you who do this
>> already in your
>> chapters
>> or affiliates to please email me lists of items you
>> include in whatever
>> kit
>> you are making. I want to add materials like this to
>> our resource bank
>> to
>> help other people do these kinds of projects.
>> Thanks, everyone!
>> Michele Mitchell
>> NFB Community Service Group
>> Research and Resource Committee Chair
>> Tupperware Consultant
>> 781-790-3627
>> www.my.tupperware.com/michmitch
>> On Feb 15, 2014, at 5:01 PM, Cheryl Fields
>> <cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I love the idea of hygene kits for the homeless.
>> Our chapter collected
>> toiletries for a women's shelter last year, but we
>> did not assemble
>> the items. The shelter was glad to receive the
>> gift but we could have
>> saved them some time.
>> I will suggest this when we do it again, sounds like fun!
>> Providing a hands on opportunity for convention
>> attendees is fantastic!
>> Cheryl
>> On 2/15/14, Denise Shaible <denise.shaible at att.net> wrote:
>> I like the idea of emergency preparedness. I
>> know the Red Cross has
>> some
>> information on that and we all need to know
>> about it. I also like the
>> idea
>> of the Red Cross providing small first aid
>> kits. I remember buying
>> one
>> when
>> I took my first aid class when I lived in Ft.
>> Lauderdale, FL. I don't
>> know
>> if they would provide them but, I'm wondering if
>> we could assemble
>> them
>> if
>> we know what we need to put in them and then we
>> could give them to our
>> members or whoever we wish to give them to.
>> I really like the idea of having someone speak
>> about programs to feed
>> the
>> hungry or doing a service project with a local
>> food bank. I don't
>> know
>> why
>> we couldn't help put bags of food together. Yes,
>> it's an assembly
>> line
>> job
>> but, we do it at my church and we're able to
>> feed between 50 and 100
>> persons
>> each month. It's rewarding to know we're doing
>> anything to help and
>> to
>> promote the fact that we want to give not just get.
>> Regards,
>> Denise
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michelle Clark
>> Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 10:21 AM
>> To: 'Community Service Discussion List'
>> Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas
>> for the community
>> servicegroupseminar at national convention
>> Here in Maryland, my Chapter did reach out to
>> the local agency and
>> they
>> provided emergency kits several years ago. As
>> time has elapsed and
>> budgets
>> have shrunk, I find that is not happening
>> anymore. I am thinking
>> someone
>> locally would have to initiate that? It would
>> be important for us to
>> get
>> the information and to tie it in with serving an
>> external group to get
>> the
>> information as well.
>> Michelle
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Community-service
>> [mailto:community-service-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>> On
>> Behalf Of Cheryl Fields
>> Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 11:53 AM
>> To: Community Service Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: [Community-service] Seeking ideas
>> for the community
>> service
>> groupseminar at national convention
>> Hello,
>> Having the Red Cross is a great idea. In
>> addition to the first aid,
>> ask if they provide disaster preparedness. It
>> would be good to have
>> this information available, most people are not
>> prepared and if they
>> need to evacuate may not know what the
>> designated safe places are. it
>> could be taken a step further and provide back
>> packs with most items
>> inside, if the budget allows for this.
>> Another idea is to plant a sensory garden at one
>> of the convention
>> host hotels in Florida, since we are spending a
>> few years there.
>> Plants and other materials can be donated from
>> local garden centers.
>> I happen to be working on a similar event in
>> Cleveland and another
>> idea from 1 of our brainstorming sessions was a
>> mural. Making it
>> visible to the community sending a clear
>> positive message about the
>> blind. The Cleveland chapter has a on going
>> project, we volunteer at
>> the Cleveland food Bank re packing produce for
>> distribution and while
>> working with the food bank a community produce
>> distribution can be
>> arranged. It is rewarding and can be lots of fun!
>> Have a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!
>> CherylOn 2/14/14, Denise Shaible
>> <denise.shaible at att.net> wrote:
>> Darian,
>> We spoke sometime ago about having a
>> Representative of the Red Cross
>> give
>> a
>> presentation on first aid. Are you still
>> interested in that? Please
>> let
>> me
>> know and I'll start researching it. Also, if
>> you know any details
>> about
>> our
>> seminar, please send that as well. Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Denise
>> From: Darian Smith
>> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 10:26 AM
>> To: Community Service Discussion List
>> Subject: [Community-service] Seeking ideas for
>> the community service
>> groupseminar at national convention
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking for some great ideas for our
>> seminar at National
>> convention.
>> any topics or presenters that could round out
>> an already developing
>> and
>> exciting seminar. would be appreciated!
>> regards,
>> Darian
>> Darian Smith
>> Chairperson, Community Service Group -National
>> Federation of The
>> Blind.
>> (415)215-9809
>> dsmithnfb at gmail.com
>> "
>> "I don't know what your destiny will be, but
>> one thing I know: the
>> only
>> ones
>> among you who will be really happy are those
>> who will have sought and
>> found
>> how to serve"
>> - Albert Schweitzer.
>> Your unwanted vehicle can be just what the
>> blind need to make
>> possibilities reality.
>> Donate your car to the National Federation of
>> the Blind today!
>> For more information, please visit:
>> www.carshelpingtheblind.org or
>> call
>> 1-855-659-9314
>> ----
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>> Darian Smith
>> Chairperson, Community Service Group -National Federation of The Blind.
>> (415)215-9809
>> dsmithnfb at gmail.com
>> "
>> "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I
>> know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those
>> who will have sought and found how to serve"
>> - Albert Schweitzer.
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