[Community-service] On Collecting Can Tops

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Sat Jan 4 15:58:23 UTC 2014

Hi Michelle, Chris, and all,

What I heard, probably more than a decade ago now, 
is that the can tabs are aluminum, therefore can 
be turned in for a few cents a pound, and it can 
help to, say, defray the cost of dialysis for 
some. That's how it was 'splained to me.

Strive On!

----- Original Message ----- 
> Did the question below ever get answered? I have 
> not ran across it and am
> interested in knowing myself.
> Michelle
> -----Original Message-----
> Hi Denyece and all,
> I am unfamiliar with the activity of collecting 
> bottle caps or soda tabs for
> hospitals. Could someone explain this? How would 
> the caps/tabs be used by
> the hospital?
> Thanks so much.
> Chris

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