[Community-Service] Leadership Seminar
Steve Cook
cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Apr 6 21:26:11 UTC 2021
Hello All!
The NFB of SC is holding our annual leadership seminar on Saturday, April 10
from 10 until 4 Eastern. All are welcome from everywhere! Please invite your
I am excited about our presenters this year.
Norma Crosby, President, NFB of Texas
Adelmo Vigil, President, NFB of New Mexico
Katie Keim, Second Vice President, NFB of Hawaii
David DeNotaris, Skies the Limit Communication
Eileen Rivera Ley, Blind Savvy
Gary Wunder, Editor of the Braille Monitor
We will be having at least four $50 gift card drawings throughout the
seminar, must be present to win. To be entered, please register with David
Houck at the Federation Center in Columbia by calling 803-254-3777 or
emailing him at
nfbsc at sc.rr.com <mailto:nfbsc at sc.rr.com>
Even if you are not a leader, this seminar will touch on topics for all to
learn and take away. Everyone has the potential of being a leader.
Please join us on zoom from 10-4 Eastern on Saturday, April 10. If you have
additional questions about the seminar, please contact president, Jennifer
Bazer at 803-960-9977 or email
Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>
Thank you all for sharing this invitation with your chapters, divisions, and
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 803 254 3777
Passcode: 124578
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)
Jennifer Bazer,
President, NFB of SC
Jennifer at successforlives.org <mailto:Jennifer at successforlives.org>
Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:Jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>
Steve Cook
District 2 State Board Member of the National Federation of the Blind of SC
President of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of
1st Vice President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the
National Federation of the Blind of SC
The National Federation of the Blind of SC owns and operates Rocky Bottom
Retreat & Conference Center. Below is a link to read more about Rocky
Bottom and to make a reservation for a mountain retreat!
<http://rockybottomofsc.com/> Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference Center
Please join the National Federation of the Blind of SC on Face Book at any
of the below links!
<https://m.facebook.com/NatFedofSouthCarolina/> National Federation of the
Blind of SC on Face Book
C-343263089815304/> Computer Science & Technology Division of the National
Federation of the Blind of SC
<https://m.facebook.com/RockyBottomofSC/> Rocky Bottom Retreat & Conference
South Carolina Association of Blind Students
<https://m.facebook.com/groups/375092969314880?_rdr> South Carolina Parents
of Blind Children
You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams.
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