[Community-Service] Zoom in & Get involved

Jeanetta price price.jeanetta at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 00:00:56 UTC 2023

Everyone is invited to join the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Community Service Division meeting on Tuesday, August 8 at 8 P.M. Eastern in the NFB Ohio Zoom Room.Please support our  NCSD President Jeanetta Price, who will be a speaker.
Come see what we're about and join us to grow our Division.

NFB Ohio Zoom access,

To access zoom platform:


Smart phone one touch number:

1 (646) 876-9923,,4081850851#
Dial in number:
1 (669) 900-6833
Meeting ID:

Serving NFB and the community!
Pat McPherson

Phone: 330-524-8388

E-mail: patrinkle at icloud.com

NFB Ohio Community Service Division, President
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