[Community-Service] June 2023 Quarterly NFB National Community Service Division Newsletter

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 18:47:14 UTC 2023

*“Beyond the Six Dots”*

National Federation of the Blind Community Service Division

June 2023 Quarterly Newsletter

We use a white cane, slate & stylus, and screen readers in between,

We read from the left, write from the right, and will tap tap onto any

We want our communities to know what we’ve got, a commitment to serve,

Beyond the Six Dots!


National Convention Seminar

Written by Kanya H. Reed

Rally up CSD troops, it’s about that time for The CSD Rodeo! Gather all
cowgirls and cowboys to the best event of the 2023 NFB National Convention
thus far.

Yes, we said event because you’ll be entertained the moment you step foot
on the road to The CSD Rodeo. You’ll be met with laughter, love, and the
passion for community service. We guarantee fresh fun, and CSD is always
down to pull off an awesome FUN-raiser plus service project that will knock
them off their feet every time. You know we got that Double Goodness on
deck so pop on in the federation family. Y’all know we bring that Sergeant
salt and pepper flavor to the convention.   The fire is hot and the energy
is high at our seminar, you won’t want to leave!

Party over here, CSD! Party over here!

So, SAVE the DATE for a popping funky good time.

Date:  July 3, 2023

Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Where: Community Service Division Room 340 A&B

PSA: CSD Willing Workers boots on the ground @ 5:30 p.m. sharp.

“Welcome to the CSD Rodeo where we serve with compassion, love, and purpose
to any community in need of assistance.”

***Annual division dues are $5, and will only be collected outside of the
seminar room prior to the meeting time. In regards to elections, all
positions are open, and only those who have paid their 2023 dues will be
allowed to partake.***


How Have You Been Serving?

CSD Members, it is that time of year! We need EVERYONE to fill out this
important survey, and tell us how you’ve been serving in 2023.

Trust me! We know, and we know! Our division is abundantly and graciously
overflowing with incredible members who are truly earnest and diligent in
serving others!

Without further ado, we have a simple and accessible form to showcase your
untiring dedication to service. Click the link below to fill out the survey


So, come on y’all! Click that Google link, start your typing, and dictate
your responses today!


All pictures and videos for your entries should be sent directly to the
president. Also, any questions, please call or email our fabulous CSD
president, Jeanetta Price!


*Top Tips for Navigating the National Convention in Houston*

Written by Carol King-Ries

The answer is a resounding yes!  As we prepared to land the Starship NFB in
Houston from July 1st to July 6th, the CSD Newsletter team thought we would
prepare the intrepid attendees for what they might encounter. I will be
sharing some information about the city, its culture, and people; and I
will re-cap the tips shared by Denice Brown in 2022 which are still
relevant for the 2023 convention.

First, about Houston, it is a great big sprawling city.  The city limits
contain over 637 square miles.  It is the 4th largest city in the United
States with regards to population, and the largest southern city.  In the
city limits, there are over 2.3 million people.  You know they do it big in
Texas!  It is one of the most diverse cities in the US, with over 145
languages spoken, and 90 international consulates are located there.  Over
20% of the population are immigrants, and an even larger percentage are
transplants from other places in the country.  People are flocking to

The food scene in Houston is said to be one of the best in the country.
Houstonians eat out more than any other population.  There is an abundance
of food choices, here are a few:  BBQ, Mexican, Tex-Mex, Southern cuisine,
Seafood, and due to the immigrant population, Asian, Indian, and African
food can be found with ease.  The problem will not be finding food choices
and restaurants, it will be choosing from all the options.

The entertainment and sights are abundant as well.  There is the Space
center Houston, and world-class museums such as the Museum of Fine Arts,
Houston Museum of Natural science, the Asian Society Center, the Buffalo
Soldier National Museum, and the Museum of African American Culture.  There
is even the National Museum of Funeral History which is highly recommended
on tourist list.  Houston has a world-class Zoo, and the Cockrell Butterfly
Center which consist of a multi-story simulated rain forest filled with
live butterflies!  Houston has major teams in all the sports:  MLB, NBA,
NFL, NHL, MLS, and the WNBA.  The Houston Astros are the reigning MLB
champions, and they are currently in season.  For all you Beyoncé a.k.a.
Queen B fans, there are multiple tours that explore her birth city with her
key landmarks.  The Texas affiliate has planned tours to the Space Center
and the Houston Museum of Natural Science and is working on getting tickets
to the Astros and Seattle Mariners game on July 7th for those who are
sticking around for an extra day or two. If you are interested in these
tours, check out the Texas affiliate website as soon as possible.

No doubt about it, they really do it big in Texas!  I hope that everyone
explores and enjoys Houston as we build the National Federation of the

Top convention Tips provided by Denice Brown:

Read the National Federation of the Blind Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is a required read for registering for the National
Convention. Please read it and live it!

Get a mentor if you are a first-time attendee.

This should be a person who has attended previous conventions, whose phone
number you have in your contacts and can reach out to for on the ground
advice and recommendations.

Make your own personal daily agenda.

There will be so many good sessions at the convention, you will have to
choose where you want to focus your attention.  A personalized agenda will
keep you organized and on the right track. If the Crowd Compass app is
available, use it.

Set up your ability to use paratransit in Houston early.

Once you have qualified for paratransit services locally, you can use it
all over the country.  However, it must be set up in advance.  Work with
your local paratransit organization to get you set up in Houston.  Do it
early, if you snooze, you can lose…

Pack well

When packing, do not just focus on looking great, pack to be great.  Even
though we are going to hot and humid Houston, pack a hoodie, sweater, or
shawl to stay warm in those typically very cool convention rooms.  Bring an
extra folding white cane.  You never know when your current cane will
break.  Better safe than sorry.  Pack extra portable chargers for your
devices for the same reason.  Please pack comfortable shoes.  You will be
on the move, and that is best to do in style and comfort.

Place all electronics, jewelry, medications, and other valuables in a
carry-on bag.

Sometimes checked luggage gets lost or items are stolen from them.
Therefore, it is important to keep your valuable items with you.  Denice
recommends that you check your carry-on bags after they go through security
to make sure that everything, they entered the scanner with is still

Pay for your hotel room with a credit card and not a debit card if

When you pay for your hotel room, they always put a hold on some funds to
make sure that there are no additional charges after you check out.  If you
use a debit card, this will be a hold on your personal funds.  Hotels vary
in the amount of time it takes to release that hold.  This is not a problem
when you use a credit card.

Download and practice using some helpful apps for navigating Houston.

Denice recommends that you download Aira to help with navigating the
Convention spaces.  Also download Be My Eyes for help with items you need
to see.  Of course, ride apps like Uber and Lift can be helpful in Houston
so download them as well.  The more tools in your Apps toolbox, the more
needs you can meet.

When you first get to the hotel, find your way to all the key venues.

Familiarize yourself with key meeting rooms and the like.  I believe in
safety, so I recommend that the first place you familiarize yourself with
is getting to the emergency exit/stairs on your floor.  Once you have
familiarized yourself with the hotel room, get in the habit of leaving your
white cane in the same place every time, like at the door when you enter
the room.  This way, if you must make a quick exit, there will be no
question about where your cane will be.  Safety always comes first!

Bring and use your headset/air pods/headphones.

Since we love our voice-over and text-to-speech technology, most people
will be using it.  Therefore, to cut down on the cacophony of voices,
always use your headset/air pods/headphones.  This will make sessions
easier to hear and enjoy!

Travel in the company of others

Because we are in an unfamiliar city, we should travel in groups.  This has
been a tried-and-true method of staying safe, so partner up! Don’t be
scared, be wise…

Reward good service

Maggie Stringer, our Newsletter editor believes in rewarding good service.
She recommends that you keep a roll of small bills to do this without
having to pull out your wallet.  Generosity and protection in one!

Be sure to keep your patience nearby and wear your joy!

Whenever you travel, things happen that are unexpected and can be
challenging.  Being patient with travel delays, impatient people, and
things not going exactly how you thought they would go will make the trip
better for you and those around you.  And wearing your joy is always
appropriate in this grand gathering.  So come ready to do it big, Texas


A delightful chuckle to keep in your back pocket for all of your summer
festivities! Your infectious smile will surely shine the brightest of all
the hottest of sunny days!

Question:  Why should you never blame a dolphin for doing anything wrong?

Answer: Because they never do it on porpoise!!!!

*“Don’t think about it, laugh about it!”*


National Homeownership Month, June 2023

Written by Jeanetta Price

According to the remarkable singer, Luther Vandross, “A House Is Not A
Home.” Please allow me to bring you home sweet home with some homeownership

1.    I am a homeowner in 2023.

2.    My home is filled with family and love.

3.    I am building the life I want one brick at a time.

I am not the one to gossip, but I have a secret. Come a little closer. A
little bit closer. Now that’s better.   Well, I heard you’ve been thinking
about buying a home? What is holding you back from becoming a homeowner?
Blindness? Well don’t be blinded by the Mortgage Monsters who spreads myths
all over google.  Allow me to clear a few things up.

1.    You do not need 20% Down Payment. Most down payments are 3% -5% of
the sales price.

2.    You must have excellent credit! Absolutely not! The biggest myth of
them all.

3.    The first step is looking for a house. Of course not! The first step
is connecting with a lender with a vision to guide you home.

Today, I want you to know that the people who are blind are indeed
homeowners. To give back to the blind community, I share resources to
provide insight of the process of buying a home. My name is Jeanetta Price,
but I am also known as the “OUTTA SIGHT Mortgage Loan Lady.” I am OUTTA

I am proud to be one of the only blind lenders in my company.  I am on a
mission to bring my blind brothers and sisters home with love, hope, and
determination. I strive to equip everyone that I am connected to with the
necessary tools to open the door to their new home.  For this reason, I
host House Parties in person and zoom platform to the community for free 99
to educate, empower, and encourage one to take the leap of faith, and land

Again, Happy National Homeownership Month! Believe it. Receive it. Achieve

*“There is no satisfaction, no greater gratification, than that you receive
when you close on the purchase of your own home.” -Unknown*


National Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month

June 2023, Contributed by Daniel Derby, Written by Maggie Stringer

          Life's challenges come in various forms, testing our resilience
and determination in unforeseen ways. When these challenges intertwine,
creating a complex tapestry of obstacles, it takes extraordinary strength
to not only endure but also thrive. In this article, we delve into the
remarkable story of John Anderson, a blind man living with post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), whose indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve
have propelled him to conquer every hurdle in his path.

For Daniel, life's struggles began long before he lost his vision. He
bravely served his country in the military, enduring the horrors of combat
that left an indelible mark on his mind and soul. Years later, he was
diagnosed with PTSD, a condition that further complicated his journey and
tested his resilience to its limits. However, John refused to let these
adversities define him or dictate his future.

Living with blindness, Daniel faced unique challenges that required
constant adaptation and perseverance. Simple tasks became daily obstacles,
and the loss of visual stimuli added an additional layer of complexity to
his struggle with PTSD. But rather than succumbing to despair, John
embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and healing.

Through therapy, support networks, and his own unwavering determination,
Daniel learned to navigate his PTSD while simultaneously mastering the
intricacies of living with blindness. He harnessed the power of his
experiences, channeling them into positive outlets such as art, writing,
and public speaking, which not only became therapeutic for him but also
inspired countless others.

Daniel's journey exemplifies the human capacity to thrive beyond the
limitations imposed by circumstances. He sought solace and empowerment
through various therapies, embracing alternative healing modalities that
resonated with his unique needs. With each step forward, he shattered the
barriers that once held him back, becoming an embodiment of resilience and

Despite the challenges he faced, Daniel's unwavering spirit and
determination allowed him to build a life filled with purpose and meaning.
He found solace in helping others, becoming an advocate for mental health
awareness, accessibility, and the intersectionality of disabilities.
Through his advocacy work, he aimed to break down the stigmas associated
with both blindness and PTSD, reminding others that their challenges do not
define them.

In this article, we celebrate Daniel Derby's triumph over adversity,
highlighting his journey as a beacon of inspiration for individuals facing
similar obstacles. His story reminds us all that regardless of the
challenges we encounter, we have the power to thrive and overcome. Daniel's
resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit serve as a testament to the
human capacity for growth and transformation, reminding us that our
circumstances need not dictate our destinies.

*“I won’t let pain, turn my heart into something ugly.”*


National Grilling Month, July 2023

Recipe by Marvin Griffin

Greetings from the King’s castle! Rather than bore you guys with details,
let’s just dive right into this delicious recipe for smoked queso! Here are
the ingredients:

1 pound of ground chuck preferably 80/20

3 10.5-ounce cans of Campbell’s cream of celery soup.

Three 10.5-ounce cans of Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup.

Two 10-ounce cans of Ro-Tel original diced tomatoes

1/half pound smoked Gouda cheese

1 32-ounce block of easy melt queso Blanco cheese.

 1 Have medium size yellow onion chopped.

1 Have green bell pepper, chopped

Three cloves’ garlic, minced

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/half tablespoon McCormick taco seasoning.


1.    In a cast-iron pot, add a tablespoon of olive oil over medium high

2.    Sauté onion, bell pepper and garlic in olive oil for 5 to 7 minutes.

3.    Add 1 pound of ground chuck to mixture.

4.    Add taco seasoning and Worcestershire and let cook stirring
constantly until ground beef crumbles and sautéed vegetables are tender.

5.    Remove any excess fat from the ground chuck in pot and discard.

6.    Add in Ro-Tel tomatoes and all of the canned soup.

7.    At this point you can decrease the heat to medium low.

8.    Once the meat, soups and Ro-Tel start to bubble then you can add the
32-ounce block of queso Blanco along with the smoked Gouda. This is the
crucial part of the process because you have to constantly stir the
complete mixture to get a smooth consistency and also to avoid any
scorching at the bottom of the pot. This recipe can be prepared on the
stove top or you can use your favorite barbeque grill using indirect heat
at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.  use applewood chunks along with mesquite

9.    Once you have the pot on the grill you can close it and check
periodically every 10 minutes or so til mixture is smooth!

10. at this point, all you have to do is grab your favorite bag of corn
chips for dipping, add a little sour cream along with sliced jalapeno
peppers if desired and get ready to enjoy queso straight from the Kings


National Rebuilding Your Life Month, June 2023

Contributed by Jane Thompson of Arkansas, & Written by Maggie Stringer

In the face of life-altering challenges, it is the human spirit that truly
shines through, inspiring us all to rise above adversity. National
Rebuilding Your Life Month is an opportunity to celebrate the resilience,
strength, and determination of individuals who have experienced setbacks
and managed to rebuild their lives against all odds. Among these remarkable
stories of triumph, one woman's journey stands out, serving as a beacon of
hope and a testament to the power of perseverance.

Imagine a life where vibrant colors and breathtaking landscapes slowly fade
away, leaving only darkness behind. This was the reality that befell Jane
Thompson, a woman whose life took an unforeseen turn when she lost her
eyesight. But instead of succumbing to despair, Jane embarked on an
extraordinary journey that would not only transform her own life but also
inspire countless others.

Jane's story begins long before she faced the challenge of blindness. As a
successful professional with a promising career, she had built a life
filled with joy and purpose. However, a sudden and rare eye condition
caused her vision to deteriorate rapidly, eventually leading to total
blindness. While this would have been a devastating blow to most, Jane
refused to let it define her.

Determined to rebuild her life and regain her independence, Jane embarked
on a remarkable journey of self-discovery. With unwavering strength and
resilience, she overcame the initial shock and frustration, and embraced a
new way of navigating the world. With the help of assistive technology and
the support of her loved ones, Jane learned to rely on her other senses,
developing a heightened awareness of her surroundings and a remarkable
ability to adapt to new challenges.

Jane's journey of rebuilding her life took her through a multitude of
experiences, both triumphant and challenging. She explored new hobbies and
passions, becoming an advocate for accessibility and inclusivity. Through
public speaking engagements and workshops, Jane empowered others to embrace
their own journeys of rebuilding, proving that disability does not equate
to limitation.

National Rebuilding Your Life Month honors individuals like Jane Thompson,
who, through their sheer determination and resilience, have overcome
immense obstacles to rebuild their lives. It is a time to recognize their
achievements, as well as to inspire and support others facing their own

As we celebrate this month of rebuilding, let us draw strength from the
extraordinary stories of individuals who have risen above adversity,
reminding us all that there is no obstacle too great to overcome. Through
their unwavering spirit, they show us that with determination, hope, and a
supportive community, it is possible to rebuild and thrive, even in the
face of unimaginable hardship.

*"Don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every day is a
fresh start."*


National Kool-Aid Month, August 2023

Written by Dara Bannerman aka Kool-Aid!

When I was a child, I couldn’t wait to drink this popular drink. I craved
the cherry and fruit punch flavored drinks, their sweet and tangy tastes
dancing in my mouth. Many of you share the same sentiments as children, and
could not wait to be the first person to make this concoction to enjoy once
it chilled in the refrigerator. “What kind of drink are you referring to?”
you may be wondering. Well, I’m talking about the famous Kool-Aid!

This delicious, thirst/quenching drink was invented by Edwin Perkins in
Hastings, Alaska. Its origin began with a drink called Fruit Smack; a drink
sold to customer s in glass bottles. The drink would eventually be made
into a powdered mix, due to the glass bottles breaking and the liquid
leaking while being shipped to customers. Kool-Aid started out with six
flavors, cherry and strawberry, just to name a few. Nowadays, you can find
additional flavors to try when you’re feeling adventurous. (Fun fact: the
smiling face pitcher was introduced within a year of General Foods
purchasing the popular powdered mix).

This Summer, whenever you’re feeling thirsty and in need of cooling off,
pour you a nice, sweet, cold glass of Kool-Aid. It’s certainly guaranteed
to put a huge smile on your face.


National Effective Communication Month

June 2023, Written by Kanya H. Ree

During this designated month, individuals and organizations come together
to raise awareness about the power of effective communication and to
promote its practice in different spheres. From personal relationships and
workplaces to educational institutions and social settings, the ability to
communicate effectively plays a pivotal role in achieving understanding,
resolving conflicts, sharing ideas, and driving positive change.

What is Effective communication? It is being clear and concise about what
you are trying to convey to someone.  When you communicate clearly and
effectively it gives the person, you are speaking with no room to guess or
question what it is you’re trying to say.   The way we communicate is
always changing so we have to be mindful while sending emails, text
messages or any writing correspondence to proof read notice tone and make
sure what you are trying to say is clear and to the point respectfully.

A lot of times tones of a message can be misinterpreted. It is best to
speak to the person rather than text or email in my opinion.  They can hear
you and you can say whatever you need without all the guessing or fluff in
between. I call it real time communication the opportunity is there for you
to have effective dialog in real time.

Stop get your thoughts together and speak clearly you will reach a person
better when the communication is seamless productive and positive.   My
rule of thumb is never responding to a message that has rubbed you the
wrong way right off take a moment and collect your thoughts before sending
a message that you will end up regretting in the long run.

Have a sip of understanding, a spoon full of slow to response with a slice
of patience when you’re trying to effectively communicate.  It doesn’t
matter the setting whom you’re speaking to your boss, parent, spouse,
sibling child, or friend effective communication is the key to any

The # 1 quote I believe should be … “The single bigge*st problem in
communication is the illusion that it has taken place. “George* Bernard
Shaw playright

By celebrating Effective Communication Month, we acknowledge that
communication is more than just exchanging words; it encompasses active
listening, nonverbal cues, empathy, and the skill to convey messages with
clarity and respect. Effective communication empowers individuals to
express themselves authentically, understand diverse perspectives, build
trust, and collaborate efficiently. It transcends barriers, fosters
inclusivity, and paves the way for healthier, more productive, and
harmonious environments.

*"We are stronger when we listen, and smarter when we share."*


Honoring Advocates While Enjoying Nature

National Park and Recreation Month, July 2023

Written by Stacie Leap

National Park and Recreation Month is an annual observance that highlights
the significance of parks, recreation facilities, and open spaces in our
communities. It serves as a reminder of the essential role these areas play
in enhancing the quality of life for individuals and society as a whole.
The month-long celebration, which takes place in July, aims to raise
awareness about the benefits of outdoor recreation, conservation, and the
preservation of natural and cultural resources. National parks and
recreational areas offer a wide range of activities and opportunities for
people of all ages and backgrounds. They provide spaces for leisure,
physical activity, and social interaction, promoting healthy lifestyles and
community engagement.

The 2nd Annual John Jon Awareness Walk Saturday, July 15, 2023 from 8AM to
10AM ET, John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. This walk is a part of For the Byrds Consulting's community
events. For the Byrds Consulting was started by Lyvette Byrd, a fellow CSD
and Willing Worker. This walk started in 2022 and has a wonderful backstory.

Jon is one of Lyvette Byrd's sons and has an intellectual disability with
autism.  The facility he was living in neglected him which resulted in him
having a diabetic coma. After recovery, he came back to live with Lyvette
in August 2021.

Now that he is home, different services were put into place and one of them
was MaxiCare, LLC. MaxiCare, LLC came into his life to help with his
activities of daily living and community integration. One of the community
integration events was a walk that was 4-6 miles long that Jon walked
almost every day. It was at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at
Tinicum. When the support staff, Mr. Anthony, relayed that Jon has been
walking at this park, Lyvette was very moved because John Heinz has a
personal connection to her son Jon.

The late Senator John Heinz was in Jon’s life prior to this nature walk.
United Cerebral Palsy of Philadelphia gave Senator Heinz an award for his
advocacy with children of different abilities. Children were being turned
down for disability benefits because they were being judged by adult
standards. Senator Heinz fought for a children’s rubric and children
finally were approved for benefits. Senator Heinz came up to Lyvette while
holding toddler Jon to state that they can get more benefits for John;
however, Lyvette informed him that she is still getting denied for
disability benefits. Senator Heinz then connected Lyvette with his personal
lawyer and helped toddler John get his disability benefits.

Now that Jon is walking at a park named after the late Senator John, it
only seemed fitting to host an annual walk where we honor and thank the
advocates for all their hard work to make services and programs available
for those who need it. It is also to raise awareness about people with
different abilities and the independence they have because of their
advocates. The walk was named to reunite the John and Jon relationship.

It was an amazing honor to take part in their first walk which was in 2022.
Twelve individuals came together and walked with Jon at the park. The walk
provided me with peace. I was able to hear the sounds of the running steam
beneath the bridge we were walking across. I heard birds of different
species and was told we walked past many sparrows, swans, ducks, and geese.
My daughter told me she saw frogs sitting on lily pads in the pond. I was
able to smell the aroma of flowers and trees as we walked from beginning to
the end while my daughter was able to see the beautiful sight of it all.
Jon was excited to start walking and led the walk while all of us followed.
All of us had fun walking and talking for the duration of the walk and even
talked to many other people at the park about the awareness walk and the
importance of advocacy.  It was definitely some good exercise and I was
quickly informed by my body that I need to walk more. We ended the walk
sitting under an enclosed canopy eating sandwiches, fruits, and other

This year will mark the second time that the walk will happen. We expect
this year to be bigger and we invite all who can come to Philadelphia on
July 15, 2023 to come out and show their support!   We also hope you enjoy
the beautiful sights and sounds of nature as we all walk together to thank
the advocates and those they serve.

“America's national parks are irreplaceable treasures. They amaze us,
inspire us, fill us with pride, and belong to all of us in equal measure.”


National Peach Month, August 2023

I am Kanya Reed proud Georgia Peach southern girl to the core with a twist
queens in their own right sweet purposeful and necessary. How does these
Georgia peaches serve with that sweet flavor. We welcome you with a sweet
glass of that down home southern peach ICE tea and a side of peach cobbler
that WIL melt in your mouth as you take that first bite.  Can’t you just
taste that warm cobbler and flaky crust simply delicious and smells
divine.      A peach’s heart is full of love and warm southern hospitality
that welcomes you in like a snuggly embrace that makes you feel like
family   surely you will feel at home.   Come on in let’s make some savory
peach ice cream that will make your taste buds dance and soothe your soul
to fight this Georgia heat.  A good Georgia peach will feed you, love you
unconditionally and put a lasting impression on your heart leaving you
wanting more of that sweet peach flavor.  You can never go wrong when a
Georgia peach is on your team planting seeds of hope, love, and
possibilities.  So come on down to our peach fields and pick some ripe
Positivity Eagerness Awesomeness Courageousness Humbleness Elegance
Sophistication and you will walk away with a full basket of sweet Georgia
PEACHES for your favorite peach dish.

Here are a few of my favorite peaches that have a passion for service and a
loving heart for mankind.

Miss Joyful peach herself Julie Moses a technology instructor that will
give the shirt off her back to anyone in need particularly in the
blind/vision impaired community.  She has devoted her time and knowledge to
make sure the blind community has the training needed for work and everyday

This next peach is known for her adventurous spirit Megan Dean better known
as The Peachiest Event Planner this side of the Mississippi.  Megan will
coordinate events for the blind/vision impaired community to get together
fellowship, learn a new hobby/pastime to get us out of the house and
moving.   From tandem biking, rock climbing, and golf Megan will have you
enjoying the outdoors again. So grateful for her youthful spunk and
willingness to encourage another blind/vision impaired individual to see
that there is life still worth living. Are you ready for your next

And last but certainly not least Bridgett Dock-Cox our Praying peach this
the one that will help pull you out that sunken place her wisdom and
connection to God is undeniable.  She is a true nurturer by nature I have
been truly blessed to have her in my chapter and gained as a wonderful
friend. Ms. Bridgett has a heart of gold that will serve to the ends of the
earth. She is an advocate and the picture of Resilience   everyday working
in the Atlanta school system as a Paraprofessional bringing awareness to
the blind/vision impaired community educating that blindness is a spectrum.
Now tell me what qualities in a peach will you pick to create   the
sweetest peach basket.  #BetterGetAPeachonYourTean.

Signed The sweetest yet spiciest Peach of them all

Kanya H. Reed

*“The ripest peach is highest on the tree.”*


To learn more about the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum,
please visit their website at https://www.fws.gov/refuge/john-heinz-tinicum

To learn more about the John Jon Awareness Walk, register or donate to the
walk, please visit www.forthebyrdsconsulting.org


We want to feature you in our next issue! Write about your personal
experience with your community service project and submit the article by
the first of the month.

We also want to help promote your community projects and state affiliate
events. Share your calendar with Beyond The Six Dots and we will feature
your events in the ‘Represent Your State’ section of our next issue.
Contact our editor to submit your calendar events and featured articles.
(The editor may edit the Length and/or wording of your article.)

*NFB Community Service Division*


President Jeanetta Price

Email: price.jeanetta at gmail.com

Mobile: (409) 344-1005

Newsletter Editor: Maggie Stringer

Email: Ravensfan784 at gmail.com

Mobile: (443) 750-0070


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. We are survivors!
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