Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 00:02:15 UTC 2023

The COMMUNITY SERVICE DIVISION wants to say thank you, thank you, and thank
you! The commitment to our mission and all those dedicated popcorn lovers
made our gourmet fundraiser a magnificent success! Because of you, each of
you! Your generous donations and your buttery love for delicious treats,
CSD popped in the sweetest never salty fashion and raised over $17,000! And
we did it in our own cheddar-rific way!

Now that we have had a taste of the Little Kettle That Could, we would like
to take this moment to POP-light a few individuals that set this fundraiser
on Queso Fire!

Thank you, Gloria Nathan-Cherry for once again, organizing a spectacular
fundraiser!  Marvin Griffin also known as the “Pop King” held tight to the
popcorn royalties for a third year by selling over $4,000 worth of
delicious popped goodies. We also want to give a kernel salute to the CSD
Willing Workers Committee; your enthusiasm, participation, and diligence to
our community fundraiser was served with carmelicious excellence. And last
but not least, we thank all of the supporters, especially the thousands of
hungry bellies for popping with us!

Maggie Stringer
Phone: (443) 750-0070
Email: ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Community Service Facebook Page
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
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