[Ctabs] H.R. 164 and S. 346

Justin Salisbury PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Sat Feb 23 22:00:49 UTC 2013

Fellow Federationists:

In case you didn't know, we, the National Federation of the Blind, are fighting for the rights of disabled veterans.  There is currently a program called "space available," which allows active duty and retired military veterans, their dependents, people needing emergency medical treatment, and Red Cross workers to fly for free on military flights if there is extra space available.  100 percent service-disabled veterans who did not reach full retirement are not given that opportunity.  We are most certain that it was honest oversight, but we need to contact our legislators to get them to fix it.

We talked to them about it at Washington Seminar, so it is not completely new business to them.

We have bills in the House of Representatives and the Senate.  

Senator Tester of Montana introduced the Senate version of our Space Available bill; the bill number is S. 346.  If our Senators want to co-sponsor this bill, they should contact Kellin Clark in Senator Tester’s office. 

Congressman Bilirakis, of Florida, is the sponsor of H.R. 164.  He is also Vice Chair of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.  If our Congressmen and Congresswomen want to co-sponsor H.R. 164, ask them to contact Congressmen Bilirakis’ office.

America’s disabled veterans need us to contact our legislators to give them the opportunities that they deserve.

If you need additional information, please contact me or Mr. Jesse Hartle at our national office: 
Phone: 410-659-9314, Ext. 2233
Email: jhartle at nfb.org

Please let me know everything that you do to help.  The NFB has set up an online legislation management database in which I will be logging our affiliate’s activities for the national office to see.

I made a legislator directory and have attached it to this message in a Microsoft Word document.

Together, we can bring disabled veterans the rights they deserve.

Yours in Federationism,

Justin Salisbury

Justin M. Salisbury
B.A. in Mathematics
Class of 2012
East Carolina University
president at alumni.ecu.edu

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”    —MARGARET MEAD
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