[Ctabs] Message from Senator Christopher Murphy

Nathanael T. Wales ntwales at omsoft.com
Sat Jan 18 15:10:10 UTC 2014


I got exactly the same reply!  My wife and I are on vacation now, but this did strike me.  I’ll contact Murphy’s office after the weekend, and I urge everyone else to do so as well.

Have a great holiday weekend celebrating a great civil rights leader,

From: Justin Salisbury 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 10:23 PM
To: mailto:ct-nfb at nfbnet.org ; mailto:ctabs at nfbnet.org 
Cc: alewis at nfb.org ; mailto:rsloan at nfb.org ; mailto:smack at nfbga.org 
Subject: [Ctabs] Message from Senator Christopher Murphy

Fellow Federationists:


If you look below this message, you can find an email I received from Senator Chris Murphy.  Clearly, Senator Murphy does not yet understand the devastating problems in the Workforce Investment Act.  This bill, as currently written, threatens every one of us.  We need to make absolutely sure that he understands the problems of the Workforce Investment Act.  My hypothesis is that he hasn’t received enough contact from our members to take the time to really pay attention to what we are saying.  


If you called or emailed on Wednesday, please do it again.

If you did not, please do it for the first time now.


This will affect my future, your future and the future of all disabled Americans.


I have attached a letter that I just sent him tonight.  I encourage you to put your address and phone number at the top and name at the bottom before you send it as your own.


Senator Chris Murphy’s phone number: (202) 224-4041


My brothers and sisters, please join me in saving our future.  It is ours!


Justin Salisbury

Legislative Coordinator



From: Senator Christopher Murphy [mailto:senator at murphy.senate.gov] 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 2:52 PM
To: justin.salisbury at earthlink.net
Subject: A message from the office of Senator Christopher Murphy


Thank you for contacting me about the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). I appreciate your correspondence and hope that you find this response helpful.

Our country has always had the best workforce in the world, but we risk losing that edge in the future. People in the workforce today too often don't have the on-the-job training they need to succeed, and young adults about to enter the workforce are less educated than the previous generation. On top of that, most of the 50 million new jobs that will be created by 2018 require post-secondary credentials and higher education levels. As a country, we're further behind than we should be, and it is Congress's responsibility to support organizations throughout the country that are dedicated to improving our workforce readiness. 

The original WIA legislation was first passed by Congress in 1998, and the law has been overdue for re-authorization since 2003. I was therefore proud to vote for S.1356, the Workforce Investment Act of 2013, which was passed by the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions on July 31, 2013. This bill contains changes to the legislation that reflect the ever-changing global economy, as well as input from Connecticut businesses, education, and labor groups. By allowing local workforce development organizations to tailor their programs to their regions' specific needs, the legislation will help provide local solutions to specific regional issues. The bill also focuses on improving the Job Corps program, which has recently faced serious funding challenges, making the program more stable and allowing young people to rely on these centers to give them the tools they need to succeed.

Rest assured that I will be encouraging my colleagues to support this bill as it moves to the full Senate. Without it, we're putting our country's economic future at a significant disadvantage.

Thank you again for contacting me about this matter.  I appreciate hearing from you and assure you that I will always do my best to represent the views of my constituents in the Senate.  In the future, please do not hesitate to call me in my Connecticut office at (860) 549-8463 or my Washington office at (202) 224-4041. 

            Every Best Wish,

            Christopher S. Murphy
            United States Senator

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