[Ctabs] DORS-BESB Parent Education Program -- Planning for the Future -- Saturday, April 5, 2014
Justin Salisbury
PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Thu Mar 13 16:28:37 UTC 2014
It's terribly disappointing that we don't have Federationists presenting (NOPBC, CT Association of Blind Students, or NFBCT) and furthermore have NAPVI presenting.
Was anyone in our affiliate contacted to present?
I would try to invite myself as a presenter but am presenting that same day in Chicago at an event that will actually empower blind youth.
It is important to point out that I think this event is well-intended, as are most of the events and people whose misperceptions about blindness disempower the blind, but we must respectfully resist.
If anyone can avail themselves, I think we ought to reach in. It's disgraceful when events like this occur but the most valuable presenters left out. Reading through the presenter list, I suffer heartbreak for those children and their parents. I really do. Nobody intends the damnation, but they cause it nonetheless.
From: Ct-nfb [mailto:ct-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Elizabeth Rival
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:05 AM
To: 'NFB of Connecticut Mailing List'
Subject: [Ct-nfb] FW: DORS-BESB Parent Education Program -- Planning for the Future -- Saturday, April 5, 2014
Importance: High
From: Sigman, Brian [mailto:Brian.Sigman at ct.gov]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:01 AM
To: Sylvestre, Alan; 'brucewoodie at msn.com'; 'chrisb274 at gmail.com'; 'e.g.akers at sbcglobal.net'; 'Darcy.Jones at cga.ct.gov'; 'mcdodd3020 at sbcglobal.net'; 'pjohnson18 at snet.net'; 'bdemaio at newbritainct.gov'; 'randa.utter at cga.ct.gov'; 'ckuell at comcast.net'; 'fairbanks at ldeo.columbia.edu'; 'iancrickard11 at gmail.com'; 'llee at nfbct.org'; 'jaykronfeld at sbcglobal.net'; 'famigliettis at ciboakhill.org'; 'info at nfbct.org'; 'kathybmorgan at yahoo.com'; 'erival at comcast.net'; 'carolyn.messier at aol.com'; 'piggottd at ciboakhill.org'; Smith, Robert C; Krengel, Erich; 'cindy.paluch at asd-1817.org'; 'optometric.assoc01 at snet.net'; 'Eyecare at inclima.net'; 'epinnod at aol.com'; 'Dr.george.adrian at snet.net'; 'Westendeyecare at snet.net'; 'ks at drkimstevens.com'; 'Rkinkade at optonline.net'; 'rstrand at eyecarect.com'; 'optometric.assoc01 at snet.net'; 'Drswsm at yahoo.com'; 'bboogie at snet.net'; 'davidparke at comcast.net'; 'larrykline at bigplanet.com'; 'enfield-eyecare at cox.net'; 'mgenlot at snet.net'; 'r.h.tyler at sbcglobal.net'; 'lighthouse63 at gmail.com'; White, Dee A.; Gerundo-Murkette, Margaret A.; 'ks at drkimstevens.com'; 'steve.perreault at hknc.org'; Blewett, Kathleen K.; 'rjcloonan at comcast.net'; 'jbperacchio at gmail.com'; Thal, Stephen; 'funnytomkaren at gmail.com'; 'dawgmawm at gmail.com'; 'charlie at visiondynamics.com'; Cunnane, Brian; Dombrowski, Stephen; 'c.rafala at snet.net'; 'clow at independenceunlimited.org'; 'sbaecker at crisradio.org'; 'jbperacchio at gmail.com'; 'dgregoire at liberty-bank.com'; 'sarah.bowman1 at va.gov'; 'stovallb at ciboakhill.org'; '5040psbs at cox.net'; 'c.ford3 at sbcglobal.net'; 'alfredthompsonjr at yahoo.com'; 'lewis_andrews at sbcglobal.net'; 'mvlagocki at aol.com'; 'dave.figley at snet.net'; 'famigliettis at ciboakhill.org'; 'ajackson212 at att.net'; 'junerose at startsimply.com'; 'eileen.healy at independencenorthwest.org'; 'cconway at drcfc.org'; 'marcanthony at cdr-ct.org'; 'ferrycathy at yahoo.com'; 'magallucci at aol.com'; 'momforch at yahoo.com'; 'cheleot at comcast.net'; 'Rachriste1 at cs.com'; 'diana200561 at yahoo.com'; 'f_roberts at comcast.net'; 'joenerney at charter.net'; 'Raymo at Intergate.com'; DeCordova, Marisel; 'marysilverfox at gmail.com'; 'Rb8876 at aol.com'; 'khaley18 at comcast.net'; 'pvlandis at ncc.commnet.edu'; 'Barbara.blejewski at sbcglobal.net'; 'dwdunne at crisradio.org'; Miles, Sandra; 'connecticutcounciloftheblind at gmail.com'; 'lbphtom at gmail.com'; 'futureeyecare2020 at gmail.com'; Friedman, Sharon; 'nyemapinkney at comcast.net'; 'carlnoll at sbcglobal.net'; 'AlbanB at aol.com'; 'emtelk at optonline.net'; 'diannmurray1 at gmail.com'; 'emmbee4 at yahoo.com'; 'e.email at snet.net'; 'daria at ctsilc.org'; 'centeroftheblind at sbcglobal.net'; Reddick, Gordon; 'bob.gorman at independencenorthwest.org'; Hayles, Colleen; 'f_roberts at ymail.com'; 'khaley18 at comcast.net'; 'pvlandis at ncc.commnet.edu'; 'ResQbeest at aol.com'; Hayles, Colleen; Nunez, Alicia; DORS-DL BESB; Porter, Amy L.
Subject: FW: DORS-BESB Parent Education Program -- Planning for the Future -- Saturday, April 5, 2014
Importance: High
DORS-BESB Parent Education Program
Planning for the Future:
Setting Up Lifelong Supports for your Child
Saturday, April 5, 2014 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: DORS-BESB
184 Windsor Ave., Windsor, CT 06095
* A parent program on creating lifetime supports for your child. Presented by individuals with expertise in this field.
* Topics include: guardianship, financial planning, special needs trusts, wills, Medicaid, sibling involvement and social security.
To attend please mail, email or fax the registration form below to Cheryl Brown.
* From the south: I-91 North to exit 34. At the exit ramp proceed straight ahead into the DORS-BESB parking lot.
* From the north: I-91 to exit 34. At the exit ramp turn left onto North Main Street (Hartford). Go under the highway underpass, straight through the traffic light, pass the gas station, and take a right into BESB's parking lot.
This is for parents and guardians only.
Lunch will be provided.
Childcare is NOT available.
Anne Burnham, Esq.
* Anne is an attorney at Jaconetta, Burnham & Wimer, LLC, in Glastonbury, whose practice areas focus on estate planning, estate and trust administration, probate matters and elder law.
* Anne has over 16 years of experience as a trust and estate attorney.
Hillary Dunn, Esq.
* Hillary is an attorney at the Special Needs and Elder Law Practice Group at Fletcher Tilton PC in Massachusetts.
* She previously worked at the Disability Law Center in Boston and also served as the chairperson of the Massachusetts DDS Human Rights Advisory Committee.
* Hillary has an older brother with Angelman Syndrome, and, as a result of this experience, she has devoted her career to assisting individuals with disabilities and their families. She is on the board of the Massachusetts Sibling Support Network.
Cynthia Haddad, Certified Financial Planner
* Cynthia is a Certified Financial Planner(r) and a Director of Special Needs Planning, a division of Shepherd Financial Partners.
* She has an adult brother with special needs. Cynthia is in charge of educational initiatives at the Massachusetts Sibling Support Network.
* Cynthia is the co-author of The Special Needs Planning Guide: How to Prepare for Every Stage of Your Child's Life (Brookes Publishing).
Susan LaVenture, Executive Director of the National Association for Parents of
Children with Visual Impairments (NAPVI)
* Susan is an advocate for parents of children who are blind, visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities. She has worked in this field for over 20 years.
* She initially became involved in advocacy when her youngest son, Alex, was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare form of infant eye cancer.
* Susan is the Co-Director of www.familyconnect.org<http://www.familyconnect.org> a website for parents of children with visual impairments.
Janette Peracchio, Family Specialist
* Janette was a family specialist at New England Consortium of Deafblind Projects, where she worked since 2002.
* Janette worked at the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation in Avon for 7 years, helping families nationally who have children with CdLS acquire needed services.
* Janette is the parent of three children. Her daughter Sara had Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and passed away in 2004 at the age of 23.
Sonu Rangnekar, Consultant
* Sonu has diverse experience in international development in the areas of community development, livelihood improvement, public health, child welfare and enterprise development programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
* Her work has included United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Aid to Artisans, Save the Children, and Population Services International.
* Sonu is the parent of a 17 year old student with special needs.
Registration Form
DORS-BESB Parent Education Program
Planning for the Future:
Setting Up Lifelong Supports for your Child
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Childcare will NOT be provided for this event
Attending Parent/Guardian's name(s):
Contact information:
Phone number:
Child's name:
TVI working with your child:
Best way to reach you if we have a weather cancellation:
Please mail, e-mail or fax the completed form by March 20th to:
Mail: Cheryl Brown, DORS-BESB, 184 Windsor Ave., Windsor, CT 06095
E-mail: Cheryl.brown at ct.gov<mailto:Cheryl.brown at ct.gov>
Fax: 860-602-4030 attention: Cheryl Brown
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