Kathryn Webster kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 20:38:57 UTC 2015

My Federation Family,
	It is officially time for the spring/summer newsletter to come out! The Federationist would not be what it is without your contributions. I aim to compose a stronger and more interesting one each time, so I hope you’re up for the challenge.
Please consider submitting at least one article to me by May 15.
I am eager to read your thoughts, opinions, interests, etc. Categories of all topics are welcomed including: cooking recipes, fun articles you have read, interesting articles you have written, a short story, poem, or update on your chapters.
Thank you so much for your contributions, and please do email me with any questions or concerns.
Submit any and all articles via email or snail mail.
Email: kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
Address: P.O. Box 29623, Winston-Salem, NC 27109


Kathryn C. Webster
Board Member | National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut
President | North Carolina Association of Blind Students
Treasurer | Connecticut Association of Blind Students
Board Member | The Science and Engineering Division
(Coordinator | Connecticut BELL Program
Executive Editor | The Federationist Newsletter
203) 273-8463
kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com

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