[Ctabs] Bad Bill in the US House of Representatives

Justin Salisbury PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu
Wed Nov 25 19:48:19 UTC 2015

Fellow Federationists:

There is a terrible bill in the US House of Representatives that would have a chilling effect upon ADA rights.

The Bill:
H.R. 3765, the "ADA Education and Reform Act of 2015", which was introduced on October 20, 2015, by Representative Ted Poe of Texas and referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary

H.R. 3765 would make it illegal even to discuss litigation with covered entities for ADA violations without first requiring a person with a disability to suffer the indignity of asking that an access barrier be removed.  It would also prohibit litigation over existing violations if a covered entity promises future compliance, and it would eliminate jury trials for individuals with disabilities who do manage to get their ADA cases into court.

Keep in mind, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990.  It is those who still refuse to provide access to individuals with disabilities at this late date who should be penalized, not people with disabilities.  There is no shame in standing up for one's rights under the ADA.  So far, this bill does not have bipartisan support.

Nobody from Connecticut has supported this bill yet, but they need to hear from us to make darn sure that they don't!  Please call our Congressmen and tell them that H.R. 3765 is a terrible idea!

I am tracking legislative developments from here and will keep you up-to-date on any breaking news, positive or negative, as appropriate.

Please join me on the barricades!

Justin Salisbury
Legislative Coordinator

Justin Salisbury, NOMC
Graduate Student
Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness
Louisiana Tech University
Email: President at Alumni.ECU.edu<mailto:President at Alumni.ECU.edu>
Twitter: @SalisburyJustin

"None can be free as long as any are enslaved"

Dr. Kenneth Jernigan

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