[Ctabs] FW: December 2020 NEAT Webinars
llee at nfbct.org
llee at nfbct.org
Wed Dec 2 16:04:10 UTC 2020
From: The NEAT Center <info at neatmarketplace.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:51 AM
To: info at nfbct.org
Subject: December 2020 NEAT Webinars
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November 2020
NEAT's December 2020 Webinars
We are excited to be offering the following webinars thru the end of 2020, providing AT education and professional development. These are free to all NEAT members (this includes Birth To Three providers and all employees of all CT public school districts). If you are not a NEAT member, you are invited to join us for a $25 fee per session.
Please read below for a list of upcoming live webinars, sign up for as many as you'd like!
Alternative Typing Options In Windows 10
Hosted by: Adam Kosakowski, AT Specialist
Date & Time: 10am - 11am; December 3, 2020
Description: Did you know? Windows 10 has swipe typing, on screen keyboards, AND word prediction! This webinar will teach you the basics and how to make great use of each. Come learn about these great free options that could be great for your students today!
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Connected And Hands-Free: How Smart Home Technology Provides Touch-Free Control
Hosted by: Kristopher Thompson, Smart Technology Specialist
Date & Time: 2pm - 3pm; December 10, 2020
Description: The COVID-19 pandemic is redefining how we think about our home space. Voice controlled technology and automation are becoming more important than ever by giving people the option to avoid commonly touched surfaces. Voice-activated systems such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant have already experienced strong growth in recent years. Experts say the pandemic could drive even more growth as many people seek technology to replace physical touch. Join Smart Technology Specialist, Kris Thompson as he explores hands-free ways to stay connected with loved ones, control televisions, lighting, doors, thermostats and more!
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Tele-Engagement For Effective Clinical Intervention
Hosted by: Special Guests Hillary Jellison & Nerissa Hall, Representative Of Communicare
Date & Time: 12pm-1pm; December 15, 2020
Description: Tele-AAC is a viable service delivery method for individuals using AAC. While a lot of what is done in on-site environments can be replicated in a virtual setting, there are certain elements of the clinical process that are different in the different settings. More specifically, the ways in which clinicians need to share and manipulate content and information, gain and maintain an individual’s attention, and support shared engagement vary in virtual synchronous and asynchronous sessions. This webinar reviews ways to support tele-engagement for effective AAC intervention.
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Gaming With Motor Disabilities: How Accessibility Adds Inclusive And Therapeutic Values
Hosted by: Special Guest Antonio Martinez
Date & Time: 10am - 11am; December 16, 2020
Host Bio: Based in Spain, Antonio Martinez is a disabled gamer with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type-3. Games always were a big part of his life since he was a kid. Growing up he studied computer programming and English at the local university. It is as an accessibility advocate in gaming that he feels he can help others to enjoy life a bit more. He founded his own review site and works with a team of collaborators from other aspects of disability to spread awareness.
Description: Many people with motor disabilities find gaming is not accessible for them. Despite the barriers, there are ways for people to take part in this activity that transcends pure entertainment. This talk will explore the benefits for body and mind, the socialization and inclusion opportunities, and explain how game mechanics and assistive tools can support people to achieve this goal.
<https://oakhillct.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f7e0f16a5f7c18d91a8f45407&id=23228a83dc&e=4e0a534040> Sign Up For Gaming With Motor Disabilities Here
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