[Ctabs] Donated items to distribute

llee at nfbct.org llee at nfbct.org
Fri Sep 4 20:33:58 UTC 2020



Through the generosity of a local donor, the following items are available:


1- Merlin  HD Ultra CCTV,  model# MR2UE20A, with HDMI port


2-Eschenbach Smartlux Digital hand  held magnifier with case and charger


3-Four magnifying glasses with light

*	10.75 / 30D , Optelec

*	15 / 56D  Optelec

*	14 x,   Reizen  (2)


4-Two pair of double lens eyeglasses, one adjustable, one is stable.


If you are interested in them, pictures of these items are attached in a pdf file. If you are in need of any of these items, please contact Mary Silverberg at marysilverfox at gmail.com <mailto:marysilverfox at gmail.com> .  Availability is on a first come, first served basis. You will need to pick them up in person in West Hartford.  Items will be clean, sanitized and will be put in your vehicle.



Thank you,

Mary Silverberg

marysilverfox at gmail.com






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