[Ctabs] July 31, 2021 NFB of CT State Board Meeting Minutes

llee at nfbct.org llee at nfbct.org
Fri Sep 3 18:21:59 UTC 2021


073121 Board Meeting Minutes

10:05 Call to order

Board Members present

Maryanne Melley, Mary Silverberg, Nathanael Wales, Veronica Alston, Deb
Reed, and Marchele Davis

NFB Pledge

Mary Silverberg made a motion and Marchele Davis seconded to accept the
April Board meeting minutes. The motion was passed unanimously.


TREASURER'S REPORT as of July 30, 2021

Bank Accounts:

*      Our available checking account balance is $97,856.22.

*      Our available savings account balance is $52,561.52.


General and Restricted Funds:

*      Our total general fund (liquid assets) is $109,128.94.

*      Our total of restricted funds is $41,288.80.  of these:

*      $1,472.68 in the Blackford Fund

*      $9,473.91 in the Cummins fund

*      $9,175.35 in the Demarest fund, comfortably allowing us to award this
scholarship this year and again in 2022.  At the rate at which we receive
donations, we can easily project to award this scholarship yet again in

*      $4,334.95 in the Higley Fund

*      $5,250.00 in the Betty and Bruce Woodward scholarship fund

*       $3,412.02 in a fund for Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning
(BELL) Programs benefiting blind children in Connecticut, including the
at-home edition this summer

*      $1,935.19 in the NFB of CT Technology Fund

*      $203.50 in a fund temporarily holding funds for the At-Large Chapter

*      $162.05 in a fund temporarily holding funds for the Waterbury Chapter

*      $921.86 in a fund holding funds for the CT Association of Blind

*      $497.05 in a fund temporarily holding funds for the CT Association of
Guide Dog Users

*      $82.19 in a fund temporarily holding funds for the Southwest
Connecticut Chapter.  Final close out of the treasury has been completed,
and the remaining balance will be held for the reestablishment of the
chapter through December 5, 2023.

*      $107.05 in a fund temporarily holding funds for the Hartford Chapter

*      $1,761.00 in state convention sponsorships

*      $2,500 in a restricted fund holding the funds to be awarded by the
Zukowski Family Foundation Scholarship


As I have stated over the past few months, we should expect some decrease in
fundraising income during the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impacts,
and we have begun to see such a decrease albeit slight.  Our General Fund
has actually continued to grow but at about half the rate as this period in
2019.  Finally, our General Fund has now received the funds from the sale of
the car bequeathed to us.  These were $6,000; it is standard practice that
we will in turn donate 50% of these to the National organization, and I
would make and support a motion to do so.

Vote on sending $3,000.00 of $6,000.00 car sale to National. Nathanael Wales
made a motion. Deb Reed seconded the motion. The motion was passed

Department of Aging and Disability Services ADS and Bureau of Education and
Services for the Blind BESB minutes only.
2021.doc> ABPVI-Minutes-6-17-2021.doc

Brian Sigman is retiring on October 1st. The NFB of CT would like a say on
who will be replacing him.

SRC- Deb Reed- BESB field employees are back as of June 1st. Employees are
back in the office as of July 1st. If you are looking for adult services
email Christopher Lassen and cc Brian Sigman to get the best result. BESB
and other surrounding states have applied for an innovation fund grant to be
used for internships and employment. The DOT will provide free Aira to its
clients using public transportation. This includes ADA rides.

PAC Plan-Len Schlenk was unable to join the meeting.

BCAC - (BESB Consumer Advisory Committee)-No Report

The Federationist. Brianna Rigsbee would like articles submitted by myself,
Division and Chapter presidents about members that they feel should be
highlighted. She will let members know when articles are due.

BELL Academy 2021-Kristen Dockendorf reported that this year's home edition
is much better than last year. This is most likely due to the fact that last
year was the first time national tried a Home Edition. This year featured
different levels of Braille efficacy which made the groups smaller and the
activities more meaningful. Kristen may be getting a donation to our BELL
Academy for next year.

Birdies for Charity-Mary Silverberg reported that due to new strategies of
asking members to reach out to family and friends and putting the Birdies
information into our regular donation mailings for the month of June,
$2,444.55 was raised this year which includes the 15% added from Travelers.
Mary also said she and Joe would run the program again next year. Thank you,
Mary, and Joe, for doing such a wonderful job! Chirp, Chirp.

Marchele Davis informed the board that she will no longer be able to serve
as our state secretary. This was sad news to hear but with her overwhelming
work schedule we all understood. We all thanked her for her service, and she
stated that she would like to remain a part of the board if possible

2021 State Convention Principles of Engagement were discussed and who would
be on the subcommittee. A motion was made by Deb Reed and seconded by Mary
Silverberg to accept the Principals of Engagement and it passed unanimously.
Nathanael Wales, Mary Silverberg, and Veronica Alston volunteered to be on
the sub committee with Nathanael as the chair.


National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut Proposed 2021 State
Convention Principles of Engagement

These principles of engagement were adopted by the National Federation of
the Blind of Connecticut Board of Directors on July 31st, 2021, for
recommendation to the State Convention. Nothing in these rules of engagement
is intended to change the Federation's constitution. The Board of Directors
and members in good standing and in attendance may participate in all
convention discussions as a matter of right. Any member of the NFB of CT may
make or second motions [and] propose nominations." These procedures simply
implement the method for following the constitution in a hybrid convention.

The principles and procedures below are intended to provide clarity and
advance notice on how the convention will be managed in 2021. They are
consistent with practices used in previous hybrid conventions. This document
will be read at the NFB of CT Opening Ceremonies on October 30th and then a
second time on October 31st at the Business Meeting. Those eligible to vote
on this proposal will be any enrolled voter present and voting at Business
Meeting on October 31st as described below.

"A subcommittee of the board of directors comprising those who are not
standing for election this year shall deal with questions and issues of
credentials for voting. The subcommittee will include Nathanael Wales, Mary
Silverberg, and Veronica Alston. Nathanael Wales shall chair the


1.	To be eligible to vote at the 2021 Convention, individuals must be
registered to vote no later than October 15, 2021.
2.	Be active members in good standing of the National Federation of the
Blind of Connecticut either through the affiliate, State division, State
Chapter or as a Member at-Large at the state level having paid dues for
3.	Provide a phone number to be used for voting purposes.

1.	The subcommittee or Lucia Lee will validate the list of eligible
voters based upon the above criteria by October 15, 2021. The vetting
process will include verification that the individual was a member in good
standing prior to October 15, 2021, according to the state membership
database. Any individuals who register to vote through the state convention
registration but are not listed as active members will be contacted via
email and offered an opportunity to provide proof of membership. If no email
is given at the time of registration, the phone number provided for voting
purposes will be used to communicate. The final list of eligible voters for
the 2021 convention will be considered final on October 15, 2021. No
exceptions will be made for members who fail to register to vote at the
convention by October 15, 2021.
2.	All individuals who are members in good standing in 2021, registered
for the convention, and provided a valid phone number for voting purposes
will constitute the pool of convention voters. "This includes members who
will be voting virtually and in person." 
3.	All voting will be done via phone.
4.	Any matter must receive 51 percent support of the votes cast by the
convention voters present and voting in order to be affirmed.
5.	Present and voting will mean the subset of convention voters who
actually cast a vote on a given question. Thus, voters who are indifferent
to a matter cannot block its consideration by the convention by choosing not
to cast a vote.
6.	All votes will be allocated two minutes for vote time.
7.	After two minutes, if the outcome to the question under
consideration is unclear, the chair will poll the Board of Directors not up
for reelection by voice vote for a definitive outcome.
8.	If voting indicates 75 percent support for or against a question
prior to the two-minute period elapsing, the chair may elect to move to the
next order of business.
9.	An opportunity to practice voting will be offered in the convention
on a question that has no impact on the policy of the organization.

Amendments to our State Constitution; Amendments were read at this board
meeting and agreed that they would be sent out on the list serve. They will
be available in large print and Braille, and on Zoom at our state convention
for review prior to voting on Sunday, October 31st at our Business meeting.


Remove this portion: (NOTE: An amendment to the Constitution of the National
Federation of the Blind was passed in July 1971, restricting the use of the
name only to organizations so affiliated.  However, we did not pass this
amendment with the Constitution of the Connecticut Federation, and your
President feels it should not be part of this State Constitution.  This note
is for reminder to us that such a restriction exists in the National

Add this: The name National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the
Blind, or any variant thereof is the property of the National Federation of
the Blind; and any affiliate, or local chapter or division of an affiliate,
if it ceases to be a part of the National Federation of the Blind, (for
whatever reason) shall forthwith forfeit the right to use the name National
Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind, or any variant thereof.


Article XI: Dues

Remove this portion: A life-time membership may be secured for a fee of
$100.00.  A person must be a paid member at least fifteen (15) days in
advance of a state convention to be able to vote at said convention.


State Convention-We have confirmed 13 speakers at this time and are working
on several more. Speakers will be a combination of in person and virtual. We
will no longer have heavy appetizers on Friday night do to Covid concerns.
The Convention Committee will speak with the hotel about having food
stations where someone will serve us. We will also be requesting the same
for breakfast. We want to make sure everyone is safe and there is no
touching of food by members. We recommend masks be worn if you are
vaccinated. We will require masks be worn if you are not vaccinated. Lucia
will have masks available at check in. Jim Cronin, president of the AT Large
chapter is organizing a variety show for Friday night. He is encouraging
members to have family and friends join in the fun. There will be a keyboard
available and microphone. Feel free to tell a joke, read poetry, play music,
sing a song, or do what ever you like. This is a fun, relaxing evening
before a busy Saturday starts at 8:00am. Please call 860-257-6000 now to
make your room reservations. Mention you are with the NFB of CT Convention.
Rooms must be booked by October 6th, so please don't wait until the last
minute. Thank you.

The Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is not closing. The
staff is moving to Middletown do to budget cuts. Gordon has retired but
there will be a new Director replacing him.

Jim Cronin and Len Schlenk had discussed an affiliate get together on
September 18th in Wilton. Jim had done a lot of research into how he could
get everyone to the YMCA park. However, the cost of a Greyhound bus was
$3,314.54. Although the board loved the idea of everyone getting together
the cost of the bus and the timing of the event being six weeks before our
state convention led us to recommend the outing be put off until next spring
and other forms of transportation be looked into. Such as car-pooling with
sighted members, Lyft, and Uber.

A discussion was had to give a donation to Achilles International. Both Jim
McCullum and Gary Allen run with their assistance. An amount of $500.00 was
proposed. Nathanael Wales made a motion. Marchele Davis seconded, and it was
passed that a donation of $500.00 would be made.

Chapter News-

Jim Cronin-At Large, Updated their constitution, they are taking the summer
off but will start meeting again in September. They have three new members.

Deb Reed-Central Connecticut-They had a picnic in June. It was great to
finally see each other in person. They also had an Outreach table at Walnut
Creek Park for a celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Next Meeting - 9:00am Business Meeting on October 31, 2021.


Respectfully submitted, Maryanne Melley

President, National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut


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