[Ctabs] January Board Meeting Minutes
llee at nfbct.org
llee at nfbct.org
Thu Feb 17 17:47:09 UTC 2022
Sat. Jan. 8, 2022, Via Zoom 11:00 AM
Meeting came to order at 11:03 AM.
Roll Call::President Maryanne Melley, 1st Vice-President Beth Rival, 2nd
Vice-President Mary Silverberg, Treasurer Nathanael Wales, Secretary Becky
Ireland, Board Members Deb Reed, Jim McCollum, Brian Martin, and Veronica
We opened the meeting with the NFB pledge.
Treasurer's Report:
Nathanael reported the following:
These numbers are as of Jan. 6, 2022
Available Checking account Balance is $86,651.94
Available Savings account is $52,573.33 ,
Total General Fund(Our liquid assets) is $112,000.61
Total Restricted funds is $27,224.61
The Blackford Fund: $1,489.36
This paid for NFB Newsline for November and December. We paid the 2021 bill
from our treasury and then reimbursed ourselves when the Blackford Grant was
paid.. The grant was for $5100 and Newsline cost $5,083.
Nathanael suggested using some of the surplus for limited outreach for NFB
The Demarest Fund: $7,547.65
We have enough funds to award this scholarship for the next two years.
The Higley Fund: $1,334.95
An anonymous donor contributes to this fund very often. Nathanael will reach
out and see if they would like to make a donation this year.
Betty and Bruce Woodward scholarship Fund: $250
Nathanael recommended that we hold a fundraiser specifically for this fund.
The Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning (BELL) Programs: $3,315.30
NFB Technology Fund: $1,835.19
At Large Chapter: $223.50
Waterbury Chapter: $142.05
Connecticut Association of Blind Students: $847.41
We will continue to perpetually manage this account for the students.
CT Association of Guide Dog Users: $472.05
Southwest Chapter: $82.18
Hartford Chapter: $111.05
State Convention Sponsorship Fund $0.00
These funds were used to pay convention expenses that were not covered by
registration fees.
Zukowski Family Foundation Fund: $0.00
Nathanael stated that he hopes the Zukowski Family Foundation will make a
donation this year.
Deb Reed mentioned that the Zukowski Family Foundation will again be
involved in the award program
Nathanael stated, as he did in the last report, that we may see small
decreases in our funds and that this has to do with the Pandemic. He stated
that we still have donations coming in and that we are doing very well. He
also stated that we will be able to subsidize needs for the Washington
seminar and the National convention in New Orleans.
A motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made by Mary Silverberg.
Seconded: Beth Rival
Vote is Unanimous motion passes.
ABPVI (Advisory Board for Persons who are Visually Impaired) Mary
Mary reported the following:
* During the public comment part of the meeting Beth Rival asked
several questions of the Board. Such as the hiring of a new director, if
BESB is a separate commission, and services for Senior citizens. She was
told the following: they haven't posted the position, BESB has been part of
DORS for 11 years and that services were provided to 621 Senior citizens
last year.
* * For Blind Americans Equality Day BESB and DOT (Department of
Transportation) partnered up to provide Aira services free to the Blind and
was successful. It will be available under the grant for 18 months. Steve
suggested having someone from Aira come and speak with us.
* *Steven Thal noted that there are several groups that have events
the same month as Blind American Equality day. He suggested partnering up
with these groups.
* * Vocational Rehabilitation and the State Planning Board group have
9 members participating. The SRC has 6 members, and the advisory board has
* *Commissioner Porter was asked about the high level of dept. heads
up for retirement and how this will affect services. Hopefully these
positions will be filled quickly, and the transition will go smoothly. We
need a clear line of communication to make sure services are being provided.
* * Mr. Sampson reported that there are currently 19 out of 27
enterprise programs still going in the Business Enterprise program. There
were a few changes due to poor business in smaller communities.
* * Voc Rehab has one position open, not yet filled, for Transition
Coordinator. There were two new hires Christiana Tyma for Regional
Technologist and Stacie Ann Lewis for Voc Rehab Counselor.
* There is a backload of Visual Services we have only 8 doctors many
have retired. It is very difficult and time consuming to replace them.
* * Child Services had a decrease in enrollment. There were some
concerns about what services and kinds of support required in the future.
* * Catherine Summ said they have been 930 clients in Children
services per year, over the last few years. She attributed the decrease in
referrals to the Pandemic last year. This year the referrals has gone back
* Comments:
* Pres. Melley stated that we should continue to push Amy Porter to
replace Brian Sigman and to make sure the service for blind individuals is
not lost.
Nathanael agreed with Maryanne. He suggested they let us help get the word
out. In our networks to help fill these positions.
Members had a brief discussion about asking Amy Porter to send us updates
for job openings. Pres. Melley will email Amy with our request.
BCAC (Bureau of Consumer Advocacy Committee): Corrine Herlth
No report was given.
This committee doesn't meet until Jan. 24, 2022. She will give a report at
our next meeting.
SRC (State Rehabilitative Counsel): Deb Reed
Deb reported the following:
*As of their December meeting they still had 3 openings including the
position of director.
* $19,000 was paid to CCSU to do a Consumer Satisfaction Survey for
2021 for the VOC Rehab program. Mary Burgard revealed the survey was given
only to those clients who achieved employment success. Out of 800 clients
only 56 were surveyed leaving a large gap. Members agreed that changes
should be made to the survey and a focused group was formed.
* *On Jan. 20th the State Plan work group will meet to address goals
concerning innovation and expansion funds. They will vote on the State plan
at their March 23rd meeting.
* *VOC Rehab partnered with the American Jobs Center to hold the 9th
annual Resource Event; this event was offered online. There was a mentoring
day, and a presentation was held for students, parents, and professionals.
* *Chair Dawn Russell reported that Connecticut ranks in the top 4
states for skills gained, job retention, higher earnings, and how people
exit the program successfully.
* * Shonda Rosetta and her Voc rehab Counselor Mr. Mendoza, after
filling out an inaccessible application, has achieved employment at an
Amazon Fulfillment Center. She has access to Aira and Orcam to assist her on
the job. She works two 10 hour days a week and advocates for the blind every
opportunity that comes along on the job. Congratulations to Shonda.
* Comments:
* Pres. Melley expressed her concerns about such a one-sided survey
and the fact it didn't reflect a true impartial opinion.
* Members discussed their concerns about the survey and its misleading
* Shonda talked about a few problems she has at Amazon accommodating
her needs. She is working with them to accomplish these needs for herself
and her fellow employees.
PAC Plan (Preauthorized Contribution Plan)- Len Schlenk
Len reported the following:
* We are doing about the same and that has been no change in
* * He asked the President of each chapter to forward him a list of
their active and non-active members. This will make it easier for him to
call members and encourage them to donate.
* * He said if you would like to sign up for the PAC plan you can
contact him at <mailto:lfs40 at optonline.net> lfs40 at optonline.net.
* * He reminded everyone that its only $5 a month. So please consider
signing up for the program.
* Comments:
* Pres. Melley also encouraged members to become part of the PAC plan.
* Robert Davis asked, "What does the PAC plan do?"
* Pres. Melley replied that the money from the plan goes to NFB
programs such as White Cane program, the Bell program, scholarships, to help
pay for legal fees when needed and many other programs that help the blind.
The Federationist- Brianna Rigsbee
No report was given.
Brianna was not present.
New Business:
BELL Academy- Beth stated that this year National is doing their home
edition and the theme is "Music". The program will take place from July 18th
to Aug. 5th. Each state will be able to do a short local edition. They
currently have only 2 mentors if you would like to volunteer let Beth know
as soon as possible.
Kristen announced that she received a $300 donation for the BELL program
from the Italian-American Women's Club. She will send the money to
State Legislation update for Blind Services:
Beth stated that right now the legislation requires services for ages 14 and
up. She feels that they should follow regulations similar to New Jersey.
Their services are from infancy and up. Her other problem is Amy Porter and
her failure to commitment. Even though she posted many job openings she
failed to post anything for Director or his Secretary.
Members discussed how we can advocate for these changes and be sure a new
Director is hired for BESB. Members decided to start putting pressure on
them by sending letters to our State Senators and Representatives expressing
our concerns and updating the law
Washington Seminar:
Pres. Melley stated that we may not be going to Washington DC. She said that
our Senators and 2 of our Representatives will be meeting with us via Zoom
she still waiting to hear from the 3 remaining Representatives. If all
meetings are virtual President Riccobono asked members not to come. However,
Lizzy Capelli, who was chosen by NABS, will attend a training seminar at the
hotel in Washington DC. Pres. Melley mentioned that she will be going to
Baltimore for Presidential training. Before the seminar John Pare will hold
a workshop going over the issues we will be bringing to their attention.
Students Scholarship Forms:
First Nathanael amended his Treasurers report. He left out the following:
The Cummins Fund $9,473
$2500 is awarded each year to a worthy applicant. It was not awarded this
Nathanael suggested we make a couple changes to our application forms. These
changes will align us closer to what National does. The changes are:
* Remove the financial needs requirement. This will prevent BESB and
similar organizations from denying further financial assistance.
* * Change winners to finalists. This will encourage them to come
and participate in the state convention where they will be awarded their
scholarships at the banquet.
* A motion to remove the financial needs requirement and to change
winners to finalists was made by Beth Rival.
* Seconded: Nathanael Wales
* Vote was unanimous motion passes.
* Pres. Melley mentioned that Lenny Schlenk would like to have a table
at the national convention. He would like to raffle off a quilt and sell
other items he made. Lenny described the quilt and pillows he makes. He will
send a picture of the quilt to the members. A decision will be made at our
April meeting.
Chapter News:
Shoreline Chapter- Len Schlenk:
Lenny reported Their last meeting was in November. In December they had a
Christmas party. They are continuing to meet in person and their next
meeting will be on Feb. 15th.
Central CT. Chapter Deb Reed
Deb reported they had their Christmas party. They enjoyed sandwich wraps,
pasta salad, and Christmas cookies for dessert. One Highlight was Anne West
reading the original version of Twas the Night Before Christmas. Kristen
brought in a braille copy of the story for her to read. Their next meeting
will be on February 12th.
At Large Chapter- Jim Cronin:
Jim reported they had speakers from BESB, one a mobility instructor and a
legislature advisor. They talked about what is happening at BESB. They had a
holiday session during their last meeting discussing their favorite holiday
moments. Their next meeting is coming up later this month and will have a
speaker from Aira
* Brian Mackey stated that he can protect the Board Members emails. He
can remove our emails from the website and go to a Contact Us form. Brian
described the Contact Us form and how it works. Members asked several
questions and are satisfied this is the best way to go. Brian will update
the website and make the changes to our scholarship forms.
* Student Division update.
* Brian Martin stated they are looking into the best way to network
with the students and starting up their mentoring program again. They feel
with better contact, more students will join them for their on call
* Rich Ireland mentioned an article that read on Facebook. It was
about helping the blind with the at home test kit for COVID. The article
states that Accessible Pharmacy, the NFB, and Be My Eyes have teamed up to
assist the blind to take the test. You can call the pharmacy through Be My
Eyes and they will walk you through the process. He sent a copy of the
article to Pres. Melley.
* Our next Board meeting will be on April 9, 2022, hosted by the
Southern Connecticut Chapter from 11 AM to 3 PM.
* Meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.
* Respectfully submitted by,
* Becky Ireland
* Secretary
* NFB of CT.
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