[Ctabs] FW: Sign up for DRCT's FREE Education Clinic!

llee at nfbct.org llee at nfbct.org
Thu Sep 1 14:53:51 UTC 2022

There is information concerning Covid tests that are more accessible for blind people. Note: this information is almost at the end of this long email!



From: Disability Rights Connecticut <info at disrightsct.org> 
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 8:46 AM
To: info at nfbct.org
Subject: Sign up for DRCT's FREE Education Clinic!


See other events lined up for September




Click here to see newsletter as a webpage  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn147CNACf0mt5TdZntDuRLYWe_dPjoxLgJCk3EIpdE9OAojTN0NRwFM4HR3Z0EdV6mpaaEjC7JJGGWQAXFTiV4ew==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> 


Disability Rights Connecticut is a statewide non-profit organization with a mission to advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities in Connecticut.



DRCT in the News:




CT plaintiffs urge Biden to rescind Trump-era Medicaid cuts


In response to a lawsuit filed by three disabled women in Connecticut over a Trump-era rule on Medicaid cuts, a top Democrat in the state Senate is calling on the Biden administration to rescind the regulation that critics say violates a law providing pandemic relief.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn16fRGL402zv8lTr6KzIOHHg-33U0dXoI47o6iHtE339qPuUkv-Ilc9Y_Dx25aS9Ol9-Wvrur61-sH63b9AfdzDxzBHUSm898CLr2NxVCdMGa0QaX8CLQXJfDHhJ5zrFty0bYh094dl_DyH81d8Bk5jK_6hngXlykxvz_vxnowulp6l_TjgQFkkkp7zKiZPIIX&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Read More 




Lawsuit Against Trump-Era Rule Turns Into Nationwide Class Action | CT News Junkie


Low-income disabled and older adults in Connecticut, Delaware, and Nebraska filed an amended complaint Friday that seeks nationwide class-action status to protect against a Trump administration rule regarding Medicaid. The rule requires states to trim their Medicaid rolls as a condition of receiving additional funds to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1Y92dS0-eeFpmoHL0J7PUr1JjhlzQhuGvFZl5kW8k9JgET5hOWoLAQ76J2RY6aE-fJh4O_YZSnt24Sy9JUgd3caYBmQ1bTTicwLOeCnQx8YglyhsR8KShb6Ax6mj0IFXuMkCpv32OWcAAn3YVT4VobIQoSpD7QKPsJ0JwLrQMDRwHPVD3Pf5ViWF0tyKuNDIv&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Read More 

Upcoming DRCT Events




Press Conference

DATE: Thursday, September 1

TIME: 11:30 AM

 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1gRmz95_yh-9nLwb9lUB_L9dauHc-VGGoNuh5Cl3Ag9ZkHRXaKfIChLfbYqhgNzFU7nPlv4NuRBUONj7m_rZZg34yl_sbzGVe5QR4VizfXEQpxQg6YLo72xoHpwLYIzJTiDN05MoiChVFZvahGmoE-ITQT1JsLd51Vp4-Q_IEJ6M=&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click to learn more



Know Your Rights:

ADA, Section 504, and IDEA

DATE: Friday, September 9

TIME: 3:00 - 4:00 PM

 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1r6nQiOLVcF76F49-pPDikDTzLwRIvMOSBXT3f895eDo0f_Vuk3XI-g0M746XZ9YG_bC3AlDV-rVyAP5HaryldVTps9E4J7XAq1YDLDP7jx7b6DYrb0b3u6T8jN8lFrA7Y5LlzvKL14C1zhJpRrYA_SeNXdLDoRtR8wYqRbhhsDyNuuZq87Z8nQ==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click to sign up




Upcoming Community Events


Advancing Racial Equity Symposium

(DRCT's Strategic Partnerships Manager, Mike Whilby, will be a panelist!)

DATE: September 8, 2022

TIME: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

WHERE: East Hartford, CT

 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1ApmWH9A8uCDupZtg3ys_cPy_cfXE0JQk9yU44xSJ8IWVlX56AIISCyMBiZnami-hXJdmLol9634mI97gEmdYXfNyjKT2PajMrB35g_V0L3_1QkCqD9wJbrFzSnM-nueqZowoi0vg31GHsdTywSTjnt6BDJlsUj3f&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click to learn more


Stand Down 2022

DATE: September 23, 2022

TIME: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

WHERE: 5 regional locations!

 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1qlX5-ATOoyn-Y_qXeJShMhqE3vqImf4dRa0zpx78LlF6-pmkOr1nalPXnw4EMs7WeCUD8JP28n-1pq5MUFb7Ca5sZoSAbhPMR_AgTgO1OxTtPuhMr_2vTUoKDS3H6IiF&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click to learn more


CT Community for Addition Recovery (CCAR) Fest:

Walk for Recovery

DATE: September 24, 2022

TIME: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1anYGjKIkum61t9sbFz6U4fU-AK2Qk-adML-9oNLasNoZyM6Z_son5_Iud7CFjHALOTtPqee-EO4dmIxxZqvzE_-2klGJ0Qw6ixx8AM_Kgt0=&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click to learn more




DRCT Board of Directors


*    Kathryn DuPree, President

*    Christina Calabro, Vice President

*    Lisa Nee, Secretary

*    James Ross, Treasurer

*    Bonnie Clark

*    Denise Drummond

*    Sara Liss

*    John Mehm

*    Luisa Soboleski






DRCT's Free Education Rights Clinic




Disability Rights Connecticut is pleased to announce our Education Rights Clinic. The clinic will be open to students and families of students with disabilities, including students with special education needs or students who have or may need 504 plans. 


Clinic appointments will provide an opportunity for callers to talk with advocates, law students, and attorneys. In a one-hour virtual meeting, clinic attendees will receive counsel and advice and short-term service related to their child’s special education needs free of charge.


If you need a disability accommodation or an interpreter, please contact 860-310-1993.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1GAyZiuV5ncbt_Eeluzgm5BQL3cz6h7z-uLeq1QQ3-NmqvmgXGfPlmfDbSc7PupIJAPtJJ5hJ08NtYoKiPKSiNqBGjXkm_mUL0FIW8rUk2bRcnUt6bAGrYA==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Request an appointment 




Disability Rights Connecticut se complace en anunciar nuestra Clínica de Derechos Educativos. La clínica estará abierta a estudiantes y familias de estudiantes con discapacidades, incluidos estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales o estudiantes que tienen o pueden necesitar planes 504.


Las citas clínicas brindarán una oportunidad para que las personas que llamen hablen con defensores, estudiantes de derecho y abogados. En una reunión virtual de una hora, los asistentes a la clínica recibirán orientación y asesoramiento y un servicio a corto plazo relacionado con las necesidades de educación especial de su hijo sin cargo.


Si necesita una adaptación para discapacitados o un intérprete, comuníquese al 860-310-1993.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1GAyZiuV5ncbt_Eeluzgm5BQL3cz6h7z-uLeq1QQ3-NmqvmgXGfPlmfDbSc7PupIJAPtJJ5hJ08NtYoKiPKSiNqBGjXkm_mUL0FIW8rUk2bRcnUt6bAGrYA==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Pedir una cita 


Know Your Rights: ADA, Section 504, and IDEA

Conozca Sus Derechos: ADA, Sección 504, e IDEA




Disability Rights Connecticut, Connecticut Legal Rights Project, and the Center for Children' s Advocacy present a free webinar.



Know Your Rights: ADA, Section 504, and IDEA


Septmeber 9, 2022

3:00 - 4:00 PM


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1r6nQiOLVcF76F49-pPDikDTzLwRIvMOSBXT3f895eDo0f_Vuk3XI-g0M746XZ9YG_bC3AlDV-rVyAP5HaryldVTps9E4J7XAq1YDLDP7jx7b6DYrb0b3u6T8jN8lFrA7Y5LlzvKL14C1zhJpRrYA_SeNXdLDoRtR8wYqRbhhsDyNuuZq87Z8nQ==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Sign Up 




Disability Rights Connecticut, Connecticut Legal Rights Project y Center for Children's Advocacy presentan un seminario web gratuito.


Conozca Sus Derechos: ADA, Sección 504, e IDEA


9 de septiembre de 2022 

3:00 - 4:00 PM


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVTxn2G0KIn1r6nQiOLVcF76F49-pPDikDTzLwRIvMOSBXT3f895eDo0f_Vuk3XI-g0M746XZ9YG_bC3AlDV-rVyAP5HaryldVTps9E4J7XAq1YDLDP7jx7b6DYrb0b3u6T8jN8lFrA7Y5LlzvKL14C1zhJpRrYA_SeNXdLDoRtR8wYqRbhhsDyNuuZq87Z8nQ==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Registrese 




Waiting for In-Home Services for your Child with Autism on HUSKY A?


We would like to talk to parents or guardians of kids who (1) are on HUSKY A, (2) have no other health insurance, (3) have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and—

*    Have been waiting for months for an FBA or BIP

*    Have the FBA and a BIP completed but can’t actually get services started in the home

*    Have had services in the home but there was an interruption and you could not get services restarted 

*    Have not been able to get IICAPS services that your provider has recommended for your child or you got those services but they were then terminated before your provider thinks they should have been, or

*    Have been denied IICAPS services because your child has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.


 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nVqnd2V1XzT62AoN1ZzgFNOieCKWvm9zHV1IR4_9bB0Pm8o4ASJL6nzaMqyG-gknXDj7A6U4494rZBg328JwVCS2HGGDBI4_tjwgR3YZqJjqK4wzJqmxye-7aiEayuAuRzguU66SRfKt6HFPkbYvGRmPxw6-0m2kSeii-meHr7FSySLJrHHoa3E=&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click For More Information 


If this sounds like you, please contact Sheldon Toubman from  Disability Rights CT at 475-345-3169 or  <mailto:Sheldon.Toubman at DisRightsCT.Org> Sheldon.Toubman at DisRightsCT.org. 


COVID Corner


Extension of Covid Public Health Emergency!


The federally declared Covid public health emergency was extended on July 15 for another 3 months. 


As long as the public emergency continues:


*    Most people on Medicaid cannot be terminated from the program, or have their benefits reduced.

If your benefits ARE terminated or reduced during the emergency:


*    Please contact Sheldon Toubman from Disability Rights Connecticut at 475-345-3169 or  <mailto:Sheldon.Toubman at DisRightsCT.Org> Sheldon.Toubman at DisRightsCT.Org 


Vaccines Available for Children Over 6 Months Old



On June 18, the CDC recommended that:


All children ages 6 months and older should receive the COVID-19 vaccine.


Parents and caregivers can now get their children 6 months through 5 years of age vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. This includes children who have already had COVID-19. 


Protect Yourself & Get Boosted!


For people who have already received 2 doses of the Moderna or Pfizer shot, you are eligible for an initial booster shot if:


*    You are 5 years old or older, AND

*    It has been at least five months since you received your second dose of your primary series, 

OR you are moderately or severely immunocompromised and it has been at least three months since the second dose of your primary series


For people who have already received 2 doses of the Moderna or Pfizer shot and an initial booster shot, you are eligible for a second booster shot if:



*    You are 12 to 49 years old AND

*    You are moderately to severely immunocompromised AND 

*    It has been at least four months since your first booster shot




*    You are 50 years old AND

*    It has been at least four months since your first booster shot


For people who have already received the Johnson & Johnson shot, you are eligible for an initial booster shot if:


·   It has been at least 2 months since you received the J&J vaccine


You then are eligible for a booster dose of any of the following COVID-19 vaccines: Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, but Moderna and Pfizer are preferred by CDC because of a risk of serious side effects with Johnson & Johnson; Johnson & Johnson is only recommended in limited circumstances, particularly where you had a severe reaction to, or have a severe allergy to an ingredient in, the other two vaccines, see  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nS_mvD7q8AEY43jYEbUmw5lHX3CnAgiY9wv-9yYjwTTnFdKf06OEtBSBblsDvyS8FKK_5dLQ-ma9-nWhtpBqX7pKwJPk_qAMXQXRCzy3uYbAqSSrfl_TdwNtAuQVZMKwJZvwDFmPUgoOCdHzMSuHtca1DxAL-sKVAQOHzgyTaFh8JhIRh5EssLw=&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Overview and Safety | CDC   


CDC also recommends a second booster of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months after the 1st booster for:



*    Adults ages 50 years and older

*    People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised


People ages 18 through 49 years who got a J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine for both their primary dose and booster can choose to get a 2nd booster of either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months after their 1st booster. 



Please consult with your doctor if you have any specific questions about your health status and obtaining a booster. 


For more information, please go to the CDC’s website, at  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nSloCGgnE7n-5oqeffI9-OsUeDgxP-_JC8hIAffJRqW1qlIsi3smyUJ-EoVg6AmI7nfXrNDeyAlbKXyaI0aSNGfow3tO68O6FpDc6ysvlKKmKQqrdWSIbz6w4qXHH0zEAm8bnq_LnMXFfzz3BCpcH_WkJan36_5veg==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters | CDC


COVID-19 tests for people who are blind or have low vision


How to get the tests:  

Order online or by calling 1-800-232-0233.

*    Each order will include 2 rapid-antigen tests that are more accessible for people who are blind or have low vision. 

*    Orders will ship free, while supplies last. 


What's needed to use the tests:

To use the tests, you must:

*    Have a  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nS_mvD7q8AEYkU4kuobz1bwaRZTuH52rMSsi02VFjqoZ2hy5ldzqK6LzSTpidDHRyIwSIZbYaPM0memV8yB2OMtQyY7wQhh1vWNuQGemShs4pfZ07cXtQ8j1wxT66RErQwxp1ITlVXNLM-96yNEtPVxUJiEgxB7MsCbEVzxRikIMwy512RK7B4FMnPalQ_y24A==&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> compatible Bluetooth-enabled smartphone. 

*    Download and install a free app from the Apple App Store (for iOS) or Google Play Store (for Android).


What makes the tests more accessible:

The test works with the app to provide:

*    Audio step-by-step instructions for administering the test.

*    Audio test results.


Who should order these tests:

Because of limited supply, we ask that you only order the more accessible tests if you do not have other options for using the standard COVID-19 tests, such as:

*    Receiving help from a household member, family, or trusted friend (in person, or through video calling platforms like FaceTime or Zoom).

*    Using assistive technology, such as AIRA or Be My Eyes, to help you take the test and obtain results.


Need more assistance?


The trained staff at the  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nS_mvD7q8AEYiqTMCppLaeAMT0WKix17R-aLcoLEOLs9SI5H3jHVnk-_aMgjVXptxK60FzFgFTdjgwVunzMoC58=&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) can provide additional assistance with:

*    Ordering tests. 

*    Understanding instructions for test administration and test results.

*    Providing alternative instructions for traditional at-home tests for people who are unable to access, read, or understand the manufacturer’s version.

*    For those who cannot use an at-home test, DIAL operators can:

*    Assist with ordering “swab and send” kits to collect a sample and mail it back for results.

*    Connect callers to local organizations for assistance locating other testing options in their community, including in-home testing programs or transportation or companion support to visit a community-based testing site.

Call 888-677-1199 Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern) or email  <mailto:DIAL at usaginganddisability.org> DIAL at usaginganddisability.org.

Need more tests?


If you are covered by Medicare:

*    Medicare will pay for up to eight free over-the-counter COVID-19 tests per month, including tests that are more accessible. This includes people with Medicare Advantage plans.

*    Call ahead to make sure your local retailer has the tests you need in stock.

*    Call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) with any questions.


If you have private insurance, your insurer may provide reimbursement for more accessible tests:

*    Call your plan to learn more about how they will reimburse you for the cost of tests.

*    Call ahead to make sure your local retailer has them in stock.


Community Engagement


Disability Rights Connecticut works with individuals with disabilities, their families, and community partners to understand common goals, priorities, and visions. DRCT staff provides outreach and training to establish and maintain community relationships and implement strategies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.


DRCT can provide training, upon request, on issues related to our focus areas. If you believe you, or a group you are a member of, could benefit from training, please contact our Strategic Partnerships Manager, Michael Whilby at 860-856-4158 or  <mailto:Michael.Whilby at DisRightsCT.org> Michael.Whilby at DisRightsCT.org






 <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001QycRwYaMc_ntEpZ16W1XHuKyvqpfAslQmxvZF1rE7DGgiY2JXvW_nfvY0vHmZ7voBgdmXXMhwevnO3BSfkbrEwBvlZhOUVFzoC9CLwSdSW81PPEkQzwBfySDHdPLUHGjYbuZL57r8-VAAEyMumNOjRHOKPhDmMw6&c=ESFdrEts0XOn-vdgRvqn43TCRXiT6ylkGGsgvocbrWkRl9NDWUNs4w==&ch=uMewUyRdLP4zP5_qwrAlmu_Gda4ngoUz748PmUQZgo9QtPRnirD3DA==> Click here to request our assistance 


Open and Affirming Statement:

Disability Rights Connecticut 

is open and affirming and welcomes all people regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, nationality,

or any disability.





Disability Rights Connecticut

846 Wethersfield Ave.

Hartford, CT 06114

800-842-7303 (toll-free in CT)

860-297-4300 (voice)

860-509-4992 (videophone)

860-296-0055 (fax)

 <mailto:info at disrightsct.org> info at disrightsct.org

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Disability Rights Network.




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Disability Rights Connecticut | 846 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford, CT 06114 

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