[Ctabs] 2023 State Convention

llee at nfbct.org llee at nfbct.org
Tue Oct 31 18:42:07 UTC 2023

Our state convention is rapidly approaching! On Friday evening, we will host
a social gathering in the Ballroom at the same time as a Vendor Fair in the
room next door. We will be selling NFB of CT coasters as well as sweets. So,
bring cash!!! (There is an ATM at the hotel for those who need it.) Below is
information about the groups that will be available at the Vendor Fair:


American Printing House: will be exhibiting, among other things, the
Monarch, a multipurpose device which can receive digital textbooks from APH
and other providers


Ayes, Inc: is the company behind the OKO application which uses artificial
intelligence to interpret pedestrian signals & provides auditory and haptic
feedback. This app has been used to cross over one million streets.


Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB): staff from different
programs will be available to discuss services, etc.


Carroll Center for the Blind: information about programs, and store products


CT Rides: will hold an informational resource table for public transit,
biking, walking, carpooling, etc


Guide Dog Foundation & America's VetDogs: will be on hand with information
about their Guide Dog 


JW.ORG: has free spiritual material in Braille, large print and audio files


Len's Crafts: Len Schlenk has made hot plates, dog scarves and other
homemade crafts to sell


NFB-NewslineR: Have you been meaning to sign up for NFB-NewslineR? Are you a
subscriber and have questions, etc? Deb Reed, our CT state coordinator, will
be on hand to answer questions & sign people up for the service.


Satisfied Soul: Kristen Dockendorff is bringing her homemade origami
ornaments, knit items and small pottery items for sale.


Southeast CT Community Center of the Blind: will have information about the
Center, brochures, give-aways and membership forms


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