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<table align="center" style="empty-cells: show;" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td style="text-align: left; background-repeat: no-repeat;" align="left"; height="59" colspan="1" background="cid:top@1ce166528adcf86870a3097ce64b7fac"</td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: top;"><div style="padding: 5px; overflow-x: auto;"><!-- wmLetter_head_end --><html><body><span style="font-family:Verdana; color:#000000; font-size:12pt;"><div><div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><a name="OLE_LINK4" style=""></a><br></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" align="center" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Live the life you want.</span></b></div><div class="MsoNoSpacing" align="center" style=""><b style=""><span style="">2017 Annual State Convention<br style="">
November 3, 4, and 5, 2017<br style="">
Courtyard by Marriott<br style="">
63 Grand Street<br style="">
Waterbury, CT<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">President:
Gary Allen<br style="">
National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><a href="http://www.nfbct.org/" style=""><b style=""><span style="">www.nfbct.org</span></b></a><b style=""><span style=""><o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Facebook:
National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Convention
Hashtag: #NFBCT17<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">National
Representative: Mark Riccobono,<br style="">
President, National Federation of the Blind<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">The
National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between
blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not
what holds you back.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Dog
Relief Area:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">
There is a grassy lawn outside the hotel’s main entrance on Grand Street. There
are trash cans near the entrance.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Drawings
for our 50/50 and Basket Raffles </span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">will take place at the banquet.
Tickets will be on sale throughout the day on Saturday until the time of the
drawings. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">50/50
raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Basket
Raffle tickets are $5 per envelope of 10 tickets. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Door
Prizes:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">
Door prizes will be awarded throughout the convention. To be eligible, you must
be registered and in the room when your name is drawn. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">The
Connecticut Association of Guide Dog Users </span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">(CTAGDU) will be selling
Ghirardelli chocolate PAW POPS for $3.00 each throughout the convention until
supplies last. We usually sell out of
PAW POPS ever year. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Get
on the PAC Plan</span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">:
The Pre-Authorized Contribution (PAC) Plan has come to be an ever-more
important part of financing our movement. According to the chairman of the
NFB’s PAC committee, Scott LaBarre, the Federation has raised more than ten
million dollars over the years through the PAC Plan. The PAC Plan allows members, affiliates, chapters,
and others to make recurring monthly donations by direct withdraw of funds from
a checking account or a charge to a credit card. Because of the costs
associated with operating the program, the minimum donation is $5.00 a month
and there is no restriction on how much you donate. Please see Marie Beaulier
to sign up at the convention to begin a new PAC contribution or to make changes
to your current contribution. Your donation will help the blind live the lives
we want.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<b style=""><span style=""><br clear="all" style="">
<div class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:12pt;"><b style=""><span style=""> </span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Friday
November 3, 2017: <o:p style=""></o:p></span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">All
events will be held in Salon 2 of the Clock Tower Ballroom<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">JOB
SEMINAR<o:p style=""></o:p></span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">1:00
p.m. - 1:20 p.m. Comments from Mark Riccobono, President of the National
Federation of the Blind<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">1:20
p.m. - 2:00 p.m. An overview of Department of Labor Services, including
services that partners provide (Heidi Sulewski from the Department of Labor and
Jill Larmett from the Department of Rehabilitation Services). <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">2:00
p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Resume tips (Heidi Sulewski)<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">2:30
p.m. - 3:15p.m. - A panel discussion (Sue Burton, an employment consultant from
the Department of Labor, Suzanne Westhaver from the State Department of Human Rights
and Opportunities (who is successfully working), Chelsey Duranleau who teaches
Braille and technology at BLIND, Inc, and Sarah Elizabeth Carabetta who has
employed blind and low vision clients from the Bureau of Education and Services
for the Blind. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">PRESIDENT’S
MEETING<o:p style=""></o:p></span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">5:00p.m.
- 6:00p.m. Mark Riccobono, President of the National Federation of the Blind
will meet with the State President and Chapter Presidents. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">5:00p.m.
- 6:00p.m. Nathanial Wales, Treasurer of
the National Federation of the Blind will meet with the Chapter Treasurers. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">DINNER
</span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">6:00p.m.
- 7:30p.m. Dinner will be in the same room as the Job Seminar. Attendees will
order off of the menu at their own expense.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">7:30p.m.
– 10:00p.m. Pool party and Bingo. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">10:00
p.m: We will show the movie “Do You Dream in Color?” in the Waterbury Meeting
Room.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">This
will be a time for friends to get together and socialize, catch up, relax and
have fun. Bingo will be held in the same room as the Job Seminar, not in the
pool area.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<b style=""><span style=""><br clear="all" style="">
<div class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:12pt;"><b style=""><span style=""> </span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Saturday
Morning, November 4, 2017<o:p style=""></o:p></span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Morning
Session & Lunch will be held in Salons B & C.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> 8:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> 9:00 a.m.
Call to order; NFB Pledge. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> 9:05 a.m. Opening Ceremonies Invocation<br style="">
Welcome from the Waterbury Chapter
(Josephina Martinez)<br style="">
arrangements/announcements<br style="">
Nominating Committee Report<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> 9:10 a.m.
Low Viz Guide (Joe Roberts)<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> 9:20 a.m.
National Report: Mark Riccobono, President,
National Federation of the Blind<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">10:00
a.m. Josephina Martinez will talk about Blind Camp. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">10:10
a.m. What's New at the Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind? Brian
Sigman, Director, Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">10:30
a.m. Aira: Explore Your World. Edward Shaham, Former
President of the National Federation of the Blind of Connecticut<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">10:40
a.m. Gordon Reddick, Director, Library for the Blind & Physically
Handicapped<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">10:55
a.m. Chapter 126 Fitness break<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">11.00
a.m. Jim <a name="_Hlk496733306" style="">McCollum</a>, Legislative Coordinator,
National Federation of the Blind of CT<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">11:15
a.m. President's Report: Gary Allen, President, National Federation of the
Blind of Connecticut<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">11:25
a.m. Esther Levegnale will talk about her experiences skiing and going on
cruises<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">11:35
a.m. Trantolo and Trantolo presentation<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">11:45
a.m. Anne West and Marie Beaulier will speak about HAM radio<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">12:00
p.m. National Centers Panel: Chase Cummins, alumni, Louisiana Center for the
Blind; <a name="_Hlk497117116" style="">Chelsey Duranleau</a>, BLIND, Inc; Brian Martin,
alumni, Colorado Center for the Blind. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">12:30
p.m. Adjourn and Lunch.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<b style=""><u style=""><span style=""><br clear="all" style="">
<div class="MsoNormal" style="font-size:12pt;"><b style=""><u style=""><span style=""> </span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Saturday
Afternoon Events:<o:p style=""></o:p></span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Division
meetings:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style="">
Salon A<br style="">
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m: The
Connecticut Association of Guide Dog Users will hold their annual meeting.<br style="">
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m: The
Connecticut Association of Blind Students will hold their annual meetings<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Vendor
Fair:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style=""> 1:00
p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Clock Tower Ballroom<br style="">
This is a chance for attendees to
meet some of the speakers as well as vendors who did not get a chance to speak
in the morning. You will be able to purchase their items or get information
about their services. A vendor list is on the back page <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Car
Show:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style=""> 1:00
p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Roof-top level of the hotel parking garage.<br style="">
Many people who have lost their
sight still have a passion for cars. So, on the top parking lot area of the
parking garage, there will be several vehicles of various ages where our
members as well as members of the public will be allowed to touch, feel, in
some cases even sit in the cars and reminisce about the particular cars with
the owners.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Seminars:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style=""> Waterbury Meeting Room <br style="">
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mobility Seminar<br style="">
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Storm Chasing<br style="">
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Chapter Presidents will create unique
Mystery box to be used at outreach tables.
A mystery box is a device that can be used to demonstrate the importance
of touch. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Saturday
Evening, November 4, 2017:</span></u></b><b style=""><span style=""> <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Salon
C<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">5:00
p.m. Social Hour/Cash Bar in The Bistro<br style="">
6:00 p.m. Banquet Dinner <br style="">
Maryanne Melley will be our Master
of Ceremonies. <br style="">
Invocation<br style="">
Introduction of head table.<br style="">
Woodward Award Presentation<br style="">
Keynote Address-Mark Riccobono
President, National Federation of the Blind. <br style="">
June Rose Killian Memoriam: Esther
Levegnale<br style="">
Ellen Bedford Memoriam: Nathanael
Wales<br style="">
Brenda Somerset Memoriam: Anne Walsh and Marie Beaulier<br style="">
Presentation of 2017 NFB of
Connecticut Scholarships<br style="">
Basket Raffle Drawing<br style="">
50/50 Raffle Drawing<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Cash
Bar will follow the Banquet in The Bistro. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<b style=""><span style=""><br clear="all" style="">
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> </span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" align="center" style=""><b style=""><span style="">National
Federation of the Blind of CT<br style="">
Business Meeting Agenda<br style="">
Saturday November 5, 2017<br style="">
Salon C<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> 8:15 a.m: Full Breakfast <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Chapter
building with Mark Riccobono<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Roll Call<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Elections: we will have elections for two board
members and the secretary position<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Secretary’s Report<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Treasurer’s Report<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Reports:<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> SRC-
<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> BCAC-<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> BESB-<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Committee Reports:<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> Birdies
for Charity: Debbie and George Reed <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> PAC
Plan: Marie Beaulier<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> Vehicle
Donation Program: Kimberly Tindell<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> NFB-Newsline:
Gary Allen<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> Federationist:
Maryanne Melley<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> Coccomo
Grants: Esther or Mary Silverberg<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">2018 National Federation of the Blind of
Connecticut Convention.<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> Convention
committee <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Chapter News: At-Large, Central CT, East of
the River, Hartford, Middletown, Shoreline, Southern CT, Stamford, Waterbury. <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Washington Seminar- <o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Adjournment at noon<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div>
<b style=""><span style=""><br clear="all" style="">
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style=""> </span></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" align="center" style=""><b style=""><u style=""><span style="">Vendor List<o:p style=""></o:p></span></u></b></div>
<div class="MsoNoSpacing" style=""><b style=""><span style="">Bureau
of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB)<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Guiding
Eyes: Kathy Rooney <br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">The
Crafters Division: Leonard Schlenk <br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Non-24: David Campbell <br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Diabetic
Division/Pack Plan: Marie Beaulier<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Newsline:
Jim McCollum and Gary Allen<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Perkins
School for the Blind: Kate Katulak <br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Jehovah’s
Witnesses: Sue Shepard<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Celphies
Cell Phone Products: Ross Biernick<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">State
Department Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO): Suzanne Weshaver <br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Chapter
126: Taylor Deegan<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Library
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped: Gordon Reddick <br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Candles
for a Cause: John Mendonca<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Low
Viz Guide: Dan Roberts<br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Blind
Inc. /Louisiana Center for the Blind: Chelsey Duranleau</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style=""><br style="">
</span></b><b style=""><span style="">Qunnnipiac Student Group<o:p style=""></o:p></span></b></div></div> </span></body></html><!-- wmLetter_tail_start --></div></td></tr></table><!-- wmLetter_tail_end -->