[Diabetes-talk] playing with pills

dmgina dmgina at qwest.net
Tue Dec 16 20:13:02 UTC 2008

Hi there,
Since I was doing so well with my a one c, I was told to stop one of the 
I just got a call, because my question was I wanted to stop the humalog.
she said no I couldn't do that.
they are hoping after the holidays things will go back to normal.
I am not getting out to walk with the temps minus zero and below.
So the pill I stopped with the doctor's help caused my sugars to go to 190 
and 198.\
So I went back to the pill as the doctor suggested. .
I asked if I could stop this other pill I do twice a day.
I don't feel low or anything like that,
I just feel good.
Oh well.
I don't think doctors know what they are talking about, most of the time, 
that they are guessing.
Just my thoughts.

Every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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