[Diabetes-talk] A Man I Called A Friend.

Blindhands at aol.com Blindhands at aol.com
Mon Dec 7 23:30:07 UTC 2009

A Man to Remember.  He was a wonderful person and willing to reach out  to 
all of us when we needed some advise, knowledge, understanding and a friend  
that knew what we were talking about.  
He encouraged me to become involved with DAN and carry on in my home state  
of Connecticut to help other blind diabetics.
I had diabetes for more years then Ed, but living with it and suddenly  
going blind over 12 years back after my bypass heart surgery I was lost in  
finding out how a blind diabetic manages their own diabetes.  The sighted  
medical professionals just advised me to go home and have my family take care of 
 me.  I did not have any idea how to do it.  I had managed my own  diabetes 
since I was probably maybe 13 years old as Mom had worked on the first  6 
years with me and diabetes.  I was in charge and even at the age of 7  when 
leaving the hospital I was taught what to do and how to do it.  
At the age of 46 when I woke up blind from my heart surgery it was starting 
 over without accessible computers or information on how a blind diabetic 
manages  things.  It took 2 years for me to first hear how a blind diabetic 
can draw  up their own insulin with a Count-A-Dose and Ed Bryant is the man 
that help me  find where to purchase one of these wonnderful devises.
He advised me when I went to India on topics to speak on during my talks in 
 India regarding How a Blind Diabetic Manages Their Own Diabetes.  I was  
invited to speak at a medical University to doctors and nurses on this  
topic.  I was invited to a conference for doctors dealing with  diabetics.  I 
even visited a diabetic clinic and a diabetic support group  at one of the 
major hospitals in New Deli.  So Ed helped me prepare for  that.  
Ed encouraged me to become active in DAN and encouraged me to become a  
board member of the DAN.  I served as a board member, secretary and First  Vice 
 President on the DAN board and was proud to work with the people  sharing 
the responsibility  of this division and starting this list.
We owe a lot to this man and I will miss him and always remember his  
Joyce Kane

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