[Diabetes-talk] FOOD

dmgina dmgina at qwest.net
Wed Jan 28 23:05:08 UTC 2009

Sorry about that,
I didn't know caps was on.
A question on behalf of food.
I am a potatoes and meat lady.
See Mike I didn't say man giggle.
That is your job smile.
Ok I spoke with my coordinator who said,
if I eat fruit for dessert don't eat potatoes.
Just meat vegetable and fruit.
How do you keep yourself from not getting hungry two hours later.
And when with a shot before a meal, would this be enough.
Now if I eat potatoes and vegetable two red potatoes then fruit I need to 
check sugars before bed time.
I am used to eating the starch so that you are feeling as if you had a 
Now when I do the casseroles then I do a cup or a cup and a half.
This works out well.
Most of our meals are casseroles.
It just has to be this way.
If you wish write me privately to share how to do the balance act.
If I have fruit for a snack before bed I give myself one unit.
this is before the fruit.
Ok I shared with Pat, that I just did units before each meal.
How do you balance this out?

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