[Diabetes-talk] Saving your Feet

Ed Bryant ebryant at socket.net
Thu Jan 29 22:43:45 UTC 2009

Hi Folks,

                The following is information from several years back that I
found in the Voice.  It may be helpful.



Ed Bryant





Diabetics are susceptible to foot complications due to impaired circulation
in their extremities and the fact that increased blood sugar levels help
"feed" infectious organisms.  Foot ulcers and other foot problems are so
common among diabetics that they account for one-fifth of all diabetic
admissions to hospitals.


So, what can you do to prevent these problems from developing? 


Here are some tips:


.              Daily foot inspections - this is #1 in the list of foot
problem prevention.  In diabetics, early diagnosis is critical to keep
infections from advancing.  Check for skin cracking, redness, or ulceration,
particularly between the toes.


.              Inspect shoes carefully - watch for bumps, sharp items, worn
out areas, pebbles, etc. (By the way, ALWAYS wear shoes!)


.              Cleanliness - keep your feet clean by bathing in warm (not
hot) water.  Avoid soaps, which can further dry skin.  Dry feet thoroughly
and apply mild skin lotion to prevent cracking.  Don't put creams and
lotions between toes - too much moisture there can be a problem.


.              No "home surgery" - seek professional treatment for calluses,
corns, or bunions.  Don't try to cut them away yourself, and avoid using
chemical dissolvers, which can destroy normal skin, too. 


.              Trim toenails carefully - cut them straight across, trim them
frequently and not too short.  Soften nails in warm water before cutting.
Have your doctor treat any ingrown toenails.


.              Avoid burns - diabetics can have nerve damage in feet and
legs that leads to loss of sensation.  Use a bath thermometer to check water
temperature (should be 85' to 90' F).  Keep feet warm with cotton socks, not
hot water bottles or heating pads.


.              Don't Smoke - smoking aggravates the decreased circulation to
the feet experienced by many diabetics.


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