[Diabetes-talk] o/t Wednesday Night

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 9 11:37:49 UTC 2009

Hi all there is an online community website for the blind called 
for-the-people.com  It is free all you need is a headset and microphone like 
you use for skype.

Carl Jacobsen President of the NY State Affiliate has created our own NFB 
room it meets from 7-830 pm eastern time, it is the NY affiliate room, but 
we welcome all NFB members. a lot more fun then the conference calls, and 
maybe it can be done for DAN. Great way to have the NFB out there possible 
getting new members and talking about diabetes.  Just a thought come in all 
are welcome, NFB or not.

Cheryl Echevarria

skype: angeldn3 

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