[Diabetes-talk] Questions about talking meters

Paul & Paula Jordan paujor at fuse.net
Fri Apr 2 12:02:26 UTC 2010

I have had my prodigy voice for about a year and a half, And, for the
record, I felt like I was swimming in a stream with alligators to get my
issues solved.  

First, I am not on-nor do I think I'll ever be able to participate in
medicare.  Hopeully this clarifies a little of where I'm going.  

What is the normal useful life of a meter, and how often should they be


When I first discussed getting my meter, my supplier's thought was that a
prodigy is a prodigy, and audocode or voice didn't make a difference.  

Before closing, let me say that I'm grateful to all of you on the list for
sharing your experiences with me on this, and, I look forward to all the
discussion about the new meters.  By the way, I don't think I'd like more
time to prepare the test;  I think that'd a real number on my
self-confidence while waiting for it  

Have a wonderfull spring day to all.



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