[Diabetes-talk] questions about Solo meter and Prodigy Voice

Chanelle Hill chanellemh at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 10:57:17 UTC 2010

Dear diabetes list,
I contacted Advanced Diabetic Solutions about getting a Solo v2 meter and found out that they do not take my insurance, Medicaid of Minnesota. I was wondering if there are any other companies that will be eventually selling the Solo meter or at least the strips or if there is a way to get Advanced Diabetic Solutions to take my insurance. Some advantages of the Solo meter for me would be that it has a warning for not enough blood on the strip, testing alarms, the ability for someone to indicate whether a blood sugar test is done before or after a meal, and accessible software. If I cannot get the solo meter, I will still use my Prodigy Voice. With the Prodigy Voice, I was wondering if any of you have successfully used the computer software. I know that Prodigy is coming out or has already produced an update that is more accessible. What type of cable do you need? I asked for one, but Prodigy sent me a mini usb to usb cable, which did not fit anywhere on the meter.
Any ideas or answers would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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