[Diabetes-talk] strange question

Paul & Paula Jordan paujor at fuse.net
Sat Jan 9 02:38:20 UTC 2010

Hey folks, I'm going through a new patch of territory for the next few

Yesterday, I returned to another round of chemotherapy which has me on some
fairly new meds.  I'm discovering that on treatment days my blood glucose
takes some truly dramatic swings-at least for me.  This morning, I started
out with a fasting level of 91 miligrams per deciliter, and tonight I
measured at 208, and I'm not sure how long to deal with this, or who to talk
to about it.  

Do I need to add more to my health care team, or should I just watch it and
see where it goes?  I would expect things to stabilize starting tomorrow,
but I'm not sure who to discuss this with.  For any of you who might not
know, I am a type 2 diabetic who happens to also have chronic lymphicedic
leukemia, and sometimes I fell like a man on a swing.  We probably can't
solve this, but I'd like to get some opinions.  Thanks for your time, and
for being there.  



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