[Diabetes-talk] Info about National convention

Diane dianefilipe at peoplepc.com
Mon Jun 14 14:36:50 UTC 2010

First of all, I will be arriving in Dallas at approximately 11am on Friday, July 2.
My cell phone number is 970-576-0376, and of course you can find out what room I am in once I check in to the hotel.

Joy came up with a fantastic gift idea for Gail in remembrance of Ed.  Something with an apple, as he was a wonderful teacher to many of us.    The items that I have found I can make and write something on are as follows:
A candle holder with the apple cut out so the light shows through
An apple plate
Apple canisters
I like the candle holder.  Please let me know what y'all like best by Wednesday of this week!

I also need to know who is going to convention and when you are arriving.
There are several shifts to fill in the Exhibit hall, and I need your help!
We will be selling the much talked about Mickey Mouse pierced earrings for our fundraiser in anticipation of going to Orlando in  style!
They are $10 a pair.

Take good care and I'll be seeing you soon!

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