[Diabetes-talk] solo meter

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 26 18:28:51 UTC 2010

okay been using it, some issues, on the front of the meter there are no raised indications on it, meaning my  I spoke with Tammy at ADS wonderful lady, the new meter is her baby, so I called first thing was there was on information in the box about how to use the meter, no CD, dvd, nothing.  So I called, and she apologized because they ran out of them and didn't go in the shipment but no fear if you go to http://www.solometers.com<http://www.solometers.com/> and go to the and find click here to learn more

Because on the face of the machine like I said no indications that the calendar is there to set the date on the meter if they had a C or something there to indicate that is the calendar and the arrow button, all flat nothing raised.

But one thing I did find out and I shared this with Tammy I checked my sugar on the new meter this morning and then I check my sugar on the Prodigy Voice and the Prodigy Voice was 50 units off, and I was told that Tammy had been using the new meter for awhile and had the same issue with the prodigy.  She is sighted but uses all the products to learn the difference as well.

Now I just got my new prodigy voice recently and I thought all my numbers were correct, so I am wondering if my sugars have been off all this time.  I have been fighting with my doctor about my readings for the last couple of months because I am showing one and he is showing something else.  I can understand, 10 or 20 units difference.  But the Difference between 150 and 200 is a lot and it is not the only different readings I have been getting.

Even though the machine still needs to be tweaked a little bit, I like that it is the same size as the prodigy, it comes with its own case, and everything in its own place.

Cheryl Echevarria 
Independent Travel Consultant

Reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:Reservations at echevarriatravel.com>
Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with Montrose Travel CST-1018299-10

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