[Diabetes-talk] For those who have Liberty Medical to get these prodigy voice test strips

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Tue Nov 23 04:14:03 UTC 2010

And in addition to everything you said Mike, you know, once in 
awhile, frankly, yep! I'll push that button and enjoy the cookie. So 
there! <grin.>
Once when I was stuck boarding a plane, then being taken off because 
of a mechanical problem and forced to wait in a little room for 8 
hours, after running through my supplies, I had to ask the airline 
staff for some food because I was going low. They did honor my 
request. But I'm not sure I'd even know what to feed a large group 
who said diabetic diet. I can see sensible and balanced. But if the 
portions of any meal put in front of me are too big, I just stop when 
I think I've had enough.

We Woof You A Merry Christmas! Diabetes Melodious! And more!
Music CDs that will impact and entertain you forever!
		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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