[Diabetes-talk] ot unsatisfied with jaws listserve administrator

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Nov 28 01:53:56 UTC 2010

That would cause a problem.  Unsubscribe from the old address, and 
resubscribe from the new address, that will fix it.


At 05:12 PM 11/27/2010, you wrote:
>I am being ignored by the jaws listserve administrator with the 
>issue that I have been sending him as follows and I would appriciate 
>any assistance in solving the problem.
>James I have been on the list for many years. Recently I have not 
>been able to send messages to the list or the administrator. The 
>message I get from the manager is that I am not a member of the 
>list. I am still receiving messages from the list. I am trying to 
>get this problem resolve. I believe the problem started when my 
>E-mail address was change from jerry.hathaway2 at verizon.net to 
>jerry.hathaway2 at frontier.com. Please help me to fix this problem.
>Jerry Hathaway

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