[Diabetes-talk] update on Denial of Insulin Coverage

Veronica Elsea veronica at laurelcreekmusic.com
Sun Oct 31 18:56:02 UTC 2010

I think that, blind or not, any person is going to find one system 
easier than another. Everyone should have that option. Some people 
with neuropathy will have certain abilities that may be different 
from other people. Just as every blind person is different. If you 
read the count-a-dose manual, they say there can be some variation in 
delivery from one vial to the next. If anyone felt mor reassured by 
how the pen delivered insulin, I'd totally support them. I think 
there is a way that the NFB could say that a blind person knows what 
is more accessible for him or her and should have the ability to have 
that determination respected. Same goes for sighted people.
That's my take on the subject.

Diabetes Melodious is here!
		Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California

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