[Diabetes-talk] Rule of thumb on testing after exercise?

Alan Wheeler awheeler65 at windstream.net
Wed Apr 20 03:49:55 UTC 2011

For a type 2 diabetic, what is the basic rule of thumb on testing after
exercise? I think I remember it being something like 15 to 30 minutes, but
not sure.
I asked because I got a surprisingly good reading almost immediately after
carrying a hamper of laundry down three flights of stairs, hauling it across
the complex, and down one flight of stairs into the laundry room, etc. Was
this morning's reading of 107, 24 hours after a reading of 139 skewed
because of the exertion?

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." 
Corrie ten Boom 

Psalms 33:3 Psalms 150:5


Alan Wheeler 
Lincoln, Nebraska 
awheeler65 at windstream.net 

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