[Diabetes-talk] New Edition of ADA's Complete Guide to diabetes

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Wed Jul 27 02:38:08 UTC 2011

Hello, all.


I received notification yesterday that a new edition of the American
Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes is now available from the
American Diabetes Association store. I believe this is the fifth edition. If
it's like the fourth edition, there's a CD in the back with an accessible
PDF version of the book.


But what's *really* cool is that for those who have iOs devices, i.e., the
iPhone or iPad, the book is available from the iBookstore and, like all
other books in the iBookstore, is completely accessible using VoiceOver. And
the price is less than what you'd pay for the book from the ADA!


I haven't read much of the book yet but it looks like this version brings
the ADA into line with more modern thinking on diabetes care.


For those who have Blio on their PC's or their i-devices, Dr. Alan Rubin's
"Diabetes for Dummies" books are available from the Blio Bookstore and, of
course, they are also very accessible.


Good diabetes management material accessible to the blind is no longer the
rarity it once was!


Mike Freeman, President

Diabetes Action Network

National Federation of the blind


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