[Diabetes-talk] Resolution that was past last year

cheryl echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 9 11:25:55 UTC 2011

I again am asking this question, what has gone on since passing resolution
Resolution 2010-13
Regarding Insurance Coverage of Accessible Equipment for Diabetics
WHEREAS, standard medical treatment for diabetics calls for the patient to monitor blood glucose levels so that he or she can make adjustments in the amount of insulin needed; and 

WHEREAS, certain health insurance plans dictate what brand of diabetic equipment a member must use to comply with the treatment regimen, claiming that this strategy controls costs for both the insurer and the insured; and 

WHEREAS, most insurance companies contract strictly with one manufacturer, who typically provides only inaccessible blood glucose meters and inaccessible insulin injection devices, presenting a serious obstacle to complying with the testing regimen for tens of thousands of blind people with diabetes; and 

WHEREAS, the failure to place accessible blood glucose meters and accessible insulin injection devices on the insurers' formulary lists not only is a barrier to independence for blind diabetics, but also adversely affects their quality of life because of the added difficulties they must confront in attempting to manage and control their diabetes; 

I am not going to post the whole thing here.

It can be found with all the resolutions that were passed last year in Dallas.


Is there someone who is willing to give any information pertaining to this.

As states, I have heard from others off list, who do not want to be singled out so they contacted me off list

That there insurance company will not pay for the talking glucometers, from Private, to HMOs, to Medicaid, to State Employee Insurance Companies.

Tons of red tape just to get a meter we can use, or go without testing our sugars.

They do not do this to sighted people, just need a script from there physician to get it, even that they do not need.

I am working very closely with ADS, since they are my medical supply company, and other then the meters, they want to stand by us so that any products that we need medically does not go to the way side.

I may not be able to stay for the whole meeting at convention, or come in late, since I have been asked to speak at 2 other meetings that night. So I am hope before convention not only for myself but for others on this list, who are not NFB members or who are not going to convention, can find out what is going on.

Thank you.

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Cheryl Echevarria
reservations at echevarriatravel.com<mailto:reservations at echevarriatravel.com>

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