[Diabetes-talk] FW: Don't play God

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Sat Sep 1 20:59:14 UTC 2012

From: acb-diabetics-bounces at acb.org [mailto:acb-diabetics-bounces at acb.org]
On Behalf Of Patricia LaFrance-Wolf
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 8:39 PM
To: 'Discussion list for diabetics and/or ACB issues'
Subject: [acb-diabetics] Don't play God


Playing God

Katherine Marple

Aug 25, 2012 

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Katherine Marple 

Recently, while scrolling through discussions posted on an online diabetes
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/>  forum, I came across one from a man in his
thirties who wrote about how paramedics had found his twin brother face down
in a sauna, in an insulin
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/medications/insulin/>  shock coma. How
did he end up in such a state? The appalling answer is, he didn't have
enough glucose strips to test before he got into the hot tub. A few weeks
before the sauna incident, his insurance company had limited his glucose
strips to just four per day.

For anyone with insulin-dependent diabetes, that is just asking for trouble.
Testing at meals alone (breakfast, lunch
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/food/lunch/> , dinner
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/food/dinner/> , and the recommended
bedtime snack) would eat up his entire allotment. What about the days when,
no matter what you do, your glucose levels just aren't cooperating? You're
also supposed to test before you drive, before you exercise
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/fitness/exercise/> , after you
exercise, and even more often when you're sick. I personally test about ten
times per day, even at 3 a.m. These tests are necessary in order to achieve
the beautiful A1C
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/monitoring/a1c-test/>  results that
doctors and insurance companies are always touting.

So why do insurance companies play God by limiting our supplies? If we're
not testing, our odds of going into shock or ketoacidosis are much higher,
and the cost of keeping us in an intensive care unit to recover is more
expensive than a few more strips per day.

A few years ago, my former insurance company put a limit on my diabetes
supplies. There is nothing quite like the terror that you feel as you watch
your medication supply dwindling down to nothing, and you know that you've
got a full week to go before your insurance will authorize a refill. We need
these things to survive, so it's more than horror-movie scary: It's a real
life fear of imminent death. You stand paralyzed, watching the Grim Reaper
slowly drag his scythe up the road toward you. Every month you watch him
coming, and it's on your last breath, when he's staring you right in the
face, that you dodge him and buy yourself one more month--just to do it
again the next month.

I'm in a better place with a larger insurance company these days, but I will
never forget that fear. Insurance companies should not have that power. No
one should have the authority to put our lives on the line. That control
belongs to each one of us, and us alone. So, I have a message for the
insurance companies. Please take a moment to chew on this: You can't make
money off of a dead person.


Categories: A1C
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/complications-and-care/a1c/> ,
Diabetes <http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/community/diabetes/> ,
Diabetes Health
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/community/diabetes-health/> , Diabetes
Health Magazine
<http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/community/diabetes-health-magazine/> ,
Diabetic <http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/health-care/diabetic/> ,
Insulin <http://www.diabeteshealth.com/browse/medications/insulin/> , 


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