[Diabetes-talk] Talking meters and insurance

Kelly Thornbury kthornbury at bresnan.net
Sat Apr 20 19:54:44 UTC 2013

I've only caught the end of this thread between Mike and Julie...My apologies if I repeat previous info. 

I've had a few issues with the "well, the meter reads the result, so it is accessible" dilemma. I've been using a Prodigy Voice for a few years, but have found it ever increasingly difficult to find the strips. My most recent supplier (admittedly a bunch of boneheads, a story for another time) was able to get me a three month supply, then quit carrying the strips. They were kind enough to send me first one of those "accessible" meters as a replacement that only read the current measurement, and they got it back with a slightly "colorful" letter. They then sent me a meter that is very similar to the Voice, right down to the programming and the prompts, except for the "Thank you for using Prodigy Voice..." which instead reads "Thank you for using this product..." Ironically, the strips for the new meter (of which I admittedly don't know the manufacturer) work in my Prodigy Voice (for which my supplier "no longer carries strips for"). Just wondering if anyone knows if Prodigy was bought out by another group? My new meter feels and operates like a "next gen" if someone like me were to design one. Updated but essentially the same. 

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