[Diabetes-talk] FW: [Wcb-l] App for Diabetic

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Wed Aug 14 03:09:52 UTC 2013


I cannot vouch for the iPhone app listed below but intend to take a look.

Mike Freeman

-----Original Message-----
From: Wcb-l [mailto:wcb-l-bounces at wcbinfo.org] On Behalf Of Kim Moberg
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:41 PM
To: WCB List
Subject: [Wcb-l] App for Diabetic

As a newly diagnosed diabetic and a person that uses apps on the iPhone for
just about everything i thought you all might be interested in an app that I
found that I could use to keep track of my blood sugars. The other reason I
thought I would let you know about it because it works with Voiceover. The
app is called "Glucose Recorder". Each entry allows you to enter your
glucose level, the time and date you checked your blood, when it was checked
say you checked it before breakfast or like 2 hours after lunch for example.
There is also a place to enter a note if you need to like you were sick that
day or you had pizza for lunch. You can print a report for your doctor of
all your glucose testing values or you can even email them to your doctor.
There is also a graph thT can be printed or emailed as well. 

I have been using this app for the last couple of weeks to track my levels
and then send them to my doctors office so that they can adjust my meds

Just thought I would share.

Sent from my iPhone
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