[Diabetes-talk] Levimeer

Kelly Thornbury kthornbury at bresnan.net
Fri Jun 7 20:00:37 UTC 2013

I haven't followed this thread in much detail, but a lower back condition could certainly cause hip problems as the body compensates and "self-guards." Also, in most situations, one trip to a chiropractor would not cure a compensation injury. This could easily take weeks or months as it is more than just the "adjustment" that must occur, but the counter muscle groups must be strengthened to support the effected area. I personally would have sought a PT before a chiropractor, but then I've never felt long-lasting relief from joint manipulation treatments. 

As for Levimeer being a cause, it sounds like it has only been recently prescribed, and highly unlikely that this type of injury would occur from such short-term usage. 

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