[Diabetes-talk] Another Hawkeye here

Grant E. Metcalf thegems at dslextreme.com
Sun Mar 3 03:15:12 UTC 2013

Ah, the memories. I also had my right eye removed in Iowa City, August 26, 
1948 in an attempt to stem a sympathetic ophthalmnia. Back then they were 
truly glass eyes after which having received mine in early November I 
unexpectedly woundup at the Iowa School for the Blind in Vinton, 6 days 
short of a year after I  had fallen through a window. It took another 50 
years for diabetes to catch up with me--that being discovered when I went in 
to have gallstones removed. Seems as how everytime I lose one thing I get 
something else. smile! And, I'll end with this favorite of mine:
Growing old is everything it's cracked up to be!

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