[Diabetes-talk] Diabetes resolution

Bernadette Jacobs bernienfb75 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 18:28:56 UTC 2013

Hey Gang:

Bern here.  I have to say, I'm with Veronica and mike on this one. 
Furthermore, if I were to have a pump, and my next talking meter, got 
forbid that I should have to buy an Iphone too just so I can not only 
work the technology, but survive too???  So, how stupid is that???

On 11/19/2013 8:30 PM, Sandi Ryan wrote:
> And I don't think Apple created Voiceover and made their products 
> accessible just because they're good that way.  I think that the small 
> population of blind people, working together and with partners, 
> created an atmosphere that demanded what we needed, and even this 
> giant corporation saw the light.  And they created a model for 

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