[Diabetes-talk] why I don't test myself

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Tue Sep 3 01:19:14 UTC 2013

Yeah! Grin

On Sep 2, 2013, at 17:42, "Albert Sanchez" <albertsanchez at suddenlink.net> wrote:

> " ... Say,
> what's for lunch?" "Peanut butter soup!"
> Albert Sanchez
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Freeman" <k7uij at panix.com>
> To: "'Diabetes Talk for the Blind'" <diabetes-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 7:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Diabetes-talk] why I don't test myself
>> Hey sandi! Testing four times a day ain't so bad or even more as Bridgit
>> Polpeter had to do when she was pregnant. Most (though not all) people
>> really do get used to it. And the less one fusses and stews about it, the
>> less of a problem it becomes. Even with errant meters and flaky insurance,
>> it beats the hell out of the way things were, say, in 1955, when about a
>> student a semester who was in a school for the blind due to blindness from
>> diabetes would shuffle off this mortal coil due to either hypoglycemia or
>> hyperglycemia. I'm not kidding.
>> "What happened to Linda Chick? She was OK before Christmas break!" "Oh,
>> haven't you heard? She died of insulin shock!" "Darn, that's too bad! Say,
>> what's for lunch?"
>> It wasn't that we didn't care but it happened often enough that it wasn't
>> unusual.
>> What a difference (for *everyone*) meters and fast-acting and basal insulins
>> and even oral medications have been!
>> Mike Freeman
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Diabetes-talk [mailto:diabetes-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>> Sandi Ryan
>> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 4:20 PM
>> To: Diabetes Talk for the Blind
>> Subject: Re: [Diabetes-talk] why I don't test myself

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