[Diabetes-talk] Losing weight

limestone lady limestonelady at samobile.net
Thu Feb 27 21:49:19 UTC 2014

Well, I'm losing weight, and not doing anything spacific to lose it. A 
couple of times my endochrenologist has asked me what I'm doing and 
when I say nothing spacific, she hasn't seemed too worried. I do have a 
friend however, who doesn't like to hear that, because she says you 
don't lose weight for no reason.
I've never heard of uncontrolled diabetes, causing weight loss, and I 
think that all too often, people jump to the cancer conclusion to look 
for a solution to something they don't understand, so I agree with you 
that her doctor should have been told.
Of course, I need to lose weight, so my doctor probably isn't concerned 
yet. I'll be seeing her on wednesday. I've had a bad few months, stress 
wise, so this will be an interesting visit.

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