[Diabetes-talk] FW: [acb-diabetics] (no subject)

Mike Freeman k7uij at panix.com
Mon Mar 10 21:27:11 UTC 2014

Normally, I don't pass such announcements as the one below along. However,
given the recent interest in using insulin pumps as a blind person, the
following may be of interest.


From: acb-diabetics-bounces at acb.org [mailto:acb-diabetics-bounces at acb.org]
On Behalf Of dee clayton
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2014 11:14 AM
To: Discussion list for diabetics and/or ACB issues
Subject: [acb-diabetics] (no subject)


conference call        Hello,


This is a notice about the ACBDA conference call this Wednesday night March
12th at 9edt, 8 cdt, 7mdt and 6pdt.  The number to call is:  712:432:3675
and follow the instructions to room zero.


The topic will be a totally blind man speaking to us about using an insulin
pump.  He has been using on for quite some time.  I thought there would be
some out there who might like to hear this.


Hope to have many of you there.


Dee Clayton, president, ACBDA



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