[Diabetes-talk] Excellent Deal on Solus V2 Meter and Strips

Alan Lemly walemly at gmail.com
Mon Oct 6 19:10:45 UTC 2014

After poking around (thanks to those who replied to my post on meter
downloads), I've decided the Solus V2 offers the best talking meter with
upload capabilities. Granted, as mentioned by others on the list, their
desktop software is not very accessible but I believe I still have enough
vision to be able to use it. I did write Biosense to say that it seemed
inconsistent that a company selling a talking glucose meter with their
largest market being the visually impaired would have inaccessible software.
They also have an online product which they call MyMeterLink which if I
understand it correctly, will allow one to upload meter readings to a
web-based account which will hopefully be accessible since it would be done
with a browser. Here is the link I bookmarked to the online product:




You need a serial number to set up the online account so I'll have to wait
until I have a Solus V2 in hand to comment on whether this process is
accessible. Perhaps others who already have a Solos V2 could test this out
and comment on it.


Back to the subject of my message. I found what seems to be a very good
price on the Solus V2 test strips. They seem much less expensive than my
OneTouch UltraSmart meter strips and also the Prodigy voice strips I bought
as a test sample a couple of years ago. This online site called
www.beststrips.com <http://www.beststrips.com/>  sells a box of 50 Solus
strips for $9.95. The special deal they have is you can buy 4 boxes of test
strips for $39.80 plus shipping of $6 and change and get the Solus V2 meter
for free. So for a little over $46, I can get the meter and 200 test strips
which seems a very good price to test out the product. Here's the link to
the deal:




I understand that Medicare will cover the cost of Solus test strips so I'll
be getting those from CCS Medical when I eventually move to the Solus
permanently and get my doctor to update my test strips prescription.


I hope others will find this information helpful.


Alan Lemly

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