[Diabetes-talk] re questio nabout cgm and can you use without insulin pump

gary melconian gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 16:10:19 UTC 2016

I have one question about cgm.so can you use a cgm without an insulin pump.
If so I wil ask that of my endocrinologist when I see him next month. My
endocrinologist also has type 2 diabetes and he is a very nice and
knowledgeable guy on the matter.  he prescribed me inhalable  insulin
Afrezza.  So I will be seeing how that works. That  is an inhalable rapid
acting insulin .  he also gave me toujio  instead of lantice  for long
lasting insulin and  once a wweek Trulicity he said its acts like a hormone
thathe body does not produce wen you hd type 2 diabets for a long time. I
will b seeing how this works for me. So ffar so good on keeping track.  a

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