[Diabetes-talk] New User of Count a Dose

Sarah Clark sarah at sarahannclark.com
Thu Dec 8 18:18:23 UTC 2016


I need to take an injectible medication for awhile, so just purchased the Prodigy count a dose sold by the NFB. I have taken injectibles in the past by having a sighted person draw up the correct dose of med for me to inject, but this time decided to try the count a dose so that I can learn to draw up the medication myself. 

I know the device holds 1/2 cc (50 unit) syringes, but I wanted to find out if it requires a particular brand?  Also where have people been able to purchase the syringes? The device is scheduled to arrive today or tomorrow, so I wanted to go pick the syringes up by then at a local store instead of ordering online.

Thanks for any help,


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