[Diabetes-talk] Question regardingVictoza

Terri Stimmel princessterri76 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 19:29:02 UTC 2016

Hello everybody,

I have been taking extra Victoza for about a week now. I called my doctor, because I have been having some stomach upset and heartburn. This happened to me when I first started taking it or year ago. But it was much worse then. Still feels pretty bad now, but not near as bad as when I first started it.

Anyway, I forgot to ask them a question, and I was wondering if someone on here might be able to answer it for me. Can this medication cause you to not feel so hungry? I don't remember this from before. I just remember how nauseated it made me. I'm a little nauseated now, but not much. Anyway, I ate a little bit of Chinese food yesterday, and an ice cream bar. Then later last night, around 9 o'clock, my boyfriend and I went out to McDonald's. I had a double cheeseburger, and a small Oreo Mc flurry. I feel so fool afterward! I basically felt awful all night. I was tired, but I didn't want to lay down, because I feel like my insides were being off world around. If that makes any sense? It was an awful feeling! But it is a feeling I have had before. Does anyone know what I am talking about question mark
Does this happen?

Any help, or thoughts, would be very much appreciated.

Thank you so much!


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