[Diabetes-talk] re question to dexcom cgm users

gary melconian gmelconian619 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 03:37:14 UTC 2016

Hello I would like to know when it comes time to getting he caliberation
number ot enter into the device.  If you are blind how do you enter in the
caliberation number into the dexcom  g5 so the dexcom device will track the
glucose number every 12 hours or so . Do you guys use your I  OS devices to
input all that  information into  the dexcom. If so that would be very easy
and would not require another set of eyes to   track down to  perform the
task every time . I have got the finger priks down with my protegy 2 meter,
I now can do that can get the caliberation number , the only thing that is
concerning me is how to  enter the caliberation number that's my only
concern as far as the   dexcom g 5 device goes. If some of you guys and gals
can set me straight that would be very helpful in my order process of the
dexcom g5 and all that next week.  

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