[Diabetes-talk] Cereals and snacks I can eat?

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 19:58:46 UTC 2016

  I researched the Ice that someone mentioned earlier.  And if I'm
finding the same product, it appears to be sparking water, or there's
also sparkling tea.  There were two different types one that was made
with essence, which I would guess would mean just using pure fruit.
The other one, the sparkling water had a bunch of different vitamins,
as well as including succalose I think it was.  I personally have to
be careful about vitamin and minerals, since I also have kidney
disease.  But I also try to avoid any artificial sweeteners, I'd
prefer to avoid the chemicals and what they can do.  I do my best to
drink mostly water.  I've heard from dieticians that the best amount
of water per day for anyone is half of what their body weight is.  So
for instance, if someone weighed 180 pounds, they would need to drink
at least 90 ounces of water a day.  I have a big 52 ounce drinking
container for water, and I try to drink two a day.  It helps to have
clean good tasting water I also like it really cold so I use lots of
ice.  One of the things I like to do for flavor is take a couple of
cinnamon sticks, break them in half and steep them in the water.  It
gives it a nice flavor without any sugar.  I'm sure you could use
ground cinnamon as well.  I'm sure there are other ways to flavor
water without using sugar or sweeteners, but I haven't really
experimented with much of anything else.  String cheese is something I
like to snack on, it's kind of fun to pull apart, and it's protein.

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