[Diabetes-talk] CGM Medicare Appeals Assistance Program

blindhands at aol.com blindhands at aol.com
Thu Oct 27 18:45:36 UTC 2016

Taking Control Of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) CGM Medicare Appeals Assistance


Good News!

I have been accepted as one of the folks to participate in this program.
For those who would like a little more information, this is a lawyer who
will be representing each person as an individual.  This is being judged and
it will take place as a phone call.  So you do not have to travel.  A lawyer
will represent you and if you can be present on the phone that will be good.

I first was not accepted due to not having an insurance plan that would
cover the cost of the CGM and supplies before going on Medicare.  They
removed that line and I was accepted.

Totally this grant covers the lawyers fees for 50 people.  On the website
above you can read what the requirements are and you can download the
application.  It goes to "Take Care of your Diabetes".

You need to have all ready applied to the insurance/medicare and received 2
denial letters.  The second appeal was made by my state Health Advocacy

Wish me luck.

I felt they really needed a blind diabetic in this to represent the blind
and voice about these things not being blind friendly/assesible to the

I will keep everyone posted on this.  If you have any questions and I can
help you, please do send them off line.

Joyce Kane
Blindhands at AOL.com

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